What is best to use in a parts washer?

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lcrken said:
Lately I've been using a Simple Green solution to pre-wash really grungy parts before putting them in the solvent. It works pretty well, and would probably work even better in a heated washer. At least it's affordable.
Equally affordably is citris cleaner sold at Home Depot for about $9.00 a gallon. I have been using it as a de-greaser on my bicycle and automotive part for at least six years with decent results. The Simple Green just didn't work as well for me.
I've had good luck with a Gunk/Solder Seal product called "Super Concentrate Degreaser". You mix it about 9:1 with kerosene. It seems to work better than straight kerosene and easily rinses off.
The local Tech school uses Ozzyjuice and they swear by it. I'm sure environmental and liability issues have a lot to do with it. Its Eco friendly, no oder, skin safe, and contains oil eating enzymes that break down the oil into a biodegradable gunk. Its pricy but I think Im going to give it a try.
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I have seen some very good ideas on parts washers in this thread, but the guy who can get his wife/girlfriend to WASH the parts will really impress me.
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