To continue with my particular brand of heresy I will comment on what I have done to smooth out my 850 and make it beautifully smooth. My isolastics are adjusted properly. I fitted (about 60,000 miles ago) a Jim Comstock/CNW head steady. This is a great design. When I first fitted it, I could notice the difference in handling immediatelty. I felt the vibes a little more, but the difference in handling made it worthwhile. The design allows almost no sideways movement but allows the engine to move up and down. I wanted less vibration, so I though that because of this lack of sideweays movement, I could pobably get away with a larger gap on the isolastics. Normally, you can only go so far before you get that "hinged in the middle" feeling. I don't even know what the gap is, I just loosened it off, front and rear. The difference is quite noticeable. My Norton is now smooth throughout the rev range with no bad effects on handling. The theory is good with continued great handling so, it works for me. I don't have bits falling off. I came back from a country race meeting a while back in perfect comfort at 120 to 125kmh. I was impressed.