On my '75 Commando, is it fully choked when the choke handle is up or down? I just got my Commando running and now I have to start fine tuning things. This will be the first of a few dumb questions I'm sure.
The cable should pull tight for normal running. It pulls up on a slide that opens the throat. So a slack cable is choked. This is assuming you are running Amal 932s.
Thanks for the replies. The bike will start on one kick with the lever down, but kill after it's warm if I raise the lever up, which I thought was taking the choke off as you guys stated here, so I know I have a few carb adjustments to make. Thanks!!
If you rotate the choke handle counter-clockwise, you are loosening the choke cable which allows the choke slide to drop into/block off the airstream.... i.e., you choke off the air intake and suck in more fuel.
When warm(er) you rotate the choke handle back clockwise, tightening up the choke cable back up, and pull the choke slide up & out of the airstream ... i.e., run normal mixture.
I've seen Commandos with choke levers on either side of the bars. A Mk111 though should be on the right hand side with a clockwise movement providing tight wire for choke off.
We got to 5 pages last time we discussed whether Commandos need chokes. My feeling is that standard Mk1 Concentrics do run rich low down but as this doesn't seem to cause any unpleasantness, most of us live with it.
I have found the choke on Amals somewhat useless and the first thing I do is to remove the choke slide , spring, and guide. Amal sells a blanking screw just for this purpose to go in the hole where the cable adjuster went. The choke is purely optional and unless you live in Alaska or the like, you really do not need it. I am around the 43 paralell and have no issues with cold starts.
It's your choice, but it's good to know your have option.
This could end your question of which way is up. Its removal cleans things up a bit too.
Anyhow, with the lever pulled tight the choke is open for normal running.
It's something that they inherited from the pre-war models which also had a tight-wire advance, meaning that a broken cable automatically meant an engine on full retard with all the attendant problems. It would be far easier to nurse home an advanced engine than one the other way round.
The trouble is once your used to it, it feels 'right' and slackening the cable to advance would not come at all naturally.
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