Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Im going but sadly I may not source a fix for my bike before the date.

Ill just roll down in the car. I will hit you guys up when I get there though, that would be cool to meet up. One advantage to driving is beer. Venice Ale house is real good.
it was HOT as hell this weekend! Had a good time and kinda glad I drove! Its about 2 hours from my house so I think the bike woulda been beating me up going out there and coming back!

Some cool creations there!!!

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th

Venice Ca VVMC vintage rally Sept 15th