Venhill self assembly oil line banjo

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Aug 5, 2017
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Hi gents
Can I ask when fitting venhill oil line Banjos (self assembly lines) onto the rocker feed inlet ports, is there suffient clearance (between head and fitting nut) to use straight connectors or do you need angled ones???

Thank you
The Venhill kit includes 20 degree banjos and they fit well with plenty of clearance, and quite a lot of flexibility in actual final location. I usually fiddle with the final set on mine each time I install the motor, to make sure the stainless braid is not rubbing on anything, as it tends to cut like a saw.

I see no reason to try anything else!
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Straight should fit.

Angled should also just fit when turned inwards.
Venhill self assembly oil line banjo

I suggest you avoid using angled fittings turned outwards as a braided stainless line will almost certainly rub against the underside of the fuel tank. Keep the crossover section of braided line as short as possible for the same reason.
I think Venhill offer a choice of finishes on the outer sleeve ( certainly for brake lines anyway).
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