Upper Fork bush (and others too) material

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Dec 29, 2011
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Upper Fork bush (and others too)  material
old (OEM from 1974) oilite bush (upper) and newer A/N standard, extended (shown below) from Clubman Racing
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There is no porosity visible on either modern bush. Clearly visible on the original.
Begs the question, what is the material?
Upper Fork bush (and others too)  material
Upper Fork bush (and others too)  material
Upper Fork bush (and others too)  material
Upper Fork bush (and others too)  material
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I used those Andover bushes on my last fork rebuild with no ill effects, but have since switched to the turcite bushing from JS Motorsport, might want to give them a try
I just replaced mine and they were definitely not oilite. I've not seen that stuff in a long time. It usually stood out by having a granular sort of texture which had something to do with the oil impregnation. Starter motors, generators, etc. always had them, or pretty much anything which received no PM.
The stock oilite bushes are still available from Wassell , to get supply from oilite you have to order by batch quantity

i guess Andover no longer sell enough to warrant buying batch quantity so are making smaller batches from a solid Brass substitute material
Our bushes are made from Oilite material and look very different to the ones at the opening of the thread. Those quite definitely did not come from us.

Look at our product on this link:

As for the quatites we order and sell you'd probably be surprised. If Andover Norton did not get the necessary quantities together, how can others?
old (OEM from 1974) oilite bush (upper) and newer A/N standard, extended (shown below) from Clubman Racing
There is no porosity visible on either modern bush. Clearly visible on the original.
Begs the question, what is the material?

What is the source? You say clubman?

I have long ago learned that in ordering parts from ANY vendor, if you want specifically "original" AN, you MUST say and insist and verify what you get. Almost all AN dealers obtain alternate parts and will slip them in.

Since AN sells directly to bike owners, it is good for parts authenticity, but then AN also undercuts their own dealer network. American prices generally are almost double the UK prices.

Parts I get that are junk, including AN stuff dating back to the late 80's, get posted on my "wall of shame".
While the more recent ANIL, Joe seems to be trying, but perfection and truth are sometime elusive with all vendors.
I have used and continue to use all the British sources based on just under 30 years experience with them all.

IIRC in the US you could not buy direct from AN Shenstone or later BSA/Regal.
I did get stuff from Norvil and would, on ocassion, specify "genuine" AN and that is what I would get...I don't bother any more.
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That my friends was old fashion oilite shown on his ad. I'm going to have to start looking at that site from now on. Even adding shipping the price would be pretty good for OEM type parts over God knows what I've been getting.
Had recent dealings with Frank at Clubman. I asked for a genuine AN rear brake cable and he told me AN is all he sells.
Using 'extended' as the search entry on the Andover site it only returns extended tickler, no extended fork bush, in a search on 'bush' only the standard length bush is in the list which is the item ZDF posted a picture of. So if anyone lists an extended top bush then its not from Andover, more likely RGM or RGM's supplier.
Any collective wisdom?
Anywhere I can find oilite bushes?

Google it, there's tons of suppliers of short bars and standard bushes. I wouldn't be surprised if the fork bushes aren't standard.
Using 'extended' as the search entry on the Andover site it only returns extended tickler, no extended fork bush, in a search on 'bush' only the standard length bush is in the list which is the item ZDF posted a picture of. So if anyone lists an extended top bush then its not from Andover, more likely RGM or RGM's supplier.

What concours said was,
old (OEM from 1974) oilite bush (upper) and newer A/N standard, extended (shown below) from Clubman Racing

I don't think concours actually meant the extended bushes were AN's, only the short bushes.
The Clubman Racing extended bushes are an upgrade as it states on their website so the question is; Who supplied the allegedly AN standard bushes?:

"Guide (Upper Bronze) Bush Upgrade - One of the errors in the description of the operation of the Norton forks in the Commando Workshop manual tells how, as the forks are near full extension, the upper fork bush covers the larger of the two holes in the fork stantion, slowing fork action and preventing the forks from "topping" out. This never happens because the bushing is to short to reach the hole before the forks are fully extended. We now offer a pair of longer bushing that greatly reduces topping and also supplies additional support to the stantions. To prevent increasing "stiction" the center section of the bushings are relieved to provide only approx. the same contact area as the originals. #N0200 - $32.00"

"NO200" isn't on CR's AN parts list.


the point made by dyno dave regarding AN undercutting thier dealer network selling direct , and lack of dealers listed by AN tell the story / refusal to open new trade accounts

would have a massive impact on volume sold RGM / Norvil / Wassell are rapidly increasing the number of Commando spares as AN point blank refuse to support dealer accounts the gap in the market is now filled by others, Fork bushings and many other parts are readily available from the propriertry / often the OEM manufacturers if you have deep enough pockets to buy a batch and i would dare bet AN volumes for these parts are significantly lower than others who do not refuse to supply trade customers

the fork bushings AN supply are identical (the same source as Wassell ) but packed in a Genuine AN spares bag double in price ?
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