backsideslide, still leaving me to wonder what you were racing to end up on backs so routinely? Bicycles, skates, mini bikes, dirt bikes, street bikes. Hope you can display the pin.
We use to throw sugar sand on sharp sidewalk corners with fire hydrant at apex and road just beyond, on steel skates then later bicycles, to routinely end up any which way- stinging and busted up some but loving it to high heaven. We changed rules pretty soon to allow pilots to untangle from hedge and bikes, as your best friend will run right over your face trying to get good line to make it around themselves. Your enemies will aim lower laughing.
I just got in new AM26 RoadRyders 100-90-19" and 120-80-18". They are peakier than AM23-24. Rear is a lot narrower foot print than the dual purpose Dunlop 120-80-18". AM26 rather softer than the Dunlop, so will give em a try in a year or so. If Peel over powers 120 then Trixie can use it up, while I try to work 130 on too narrow a rim. Left front AM26 is left in sun to warm and put on Saturday.