Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

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Oct 19, 2005
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For want of a nail, err a new rod bolt Trixie's been silent since spring '08. So far about $1800 in parts or labor. I was coasting 50-ish looking for pasture gate to get camouflaged photo in field of yellow flowers. Prior event d/t Aluminum gasket rubbing slotted pistons unknown to silly me not opening a nice runner.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Did spring cleaning but for damn mice and pack rats reproducing or arriving more than I can re-new poison or get with .45 ACP shot shells.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Pile of everything to assess Combat engine out in one place.
First tantrum induced on finding water puddles inside the 'sealed' Tupperware and rusting fasteners and items )+_U_{U&()*(^)*&(^&)^$%E@#$(&)*_)(_!!!!&&**
Better than rodent urine I had to finally tell myself to settle down.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

JBWeld sealed cases using only disc magnet behind for round punch out and rectangular magnets and some clay dam back up for the long oil drain crack.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Invited Wesley over so someone could hear my tantrums on hang ups and a 2nd mind and pair of hands of course. Ok plus hearing his '71 that seized a year ago.
Knocked off the bad journal TS cheek and sucked off its superblend inner. Two wood chisels to start then blade puller to finish. Propane heat helped too. Used heat gun and big socket to drift on new -0.010" under cheek w/o bother via 3 lb sledge Wes delicately swung while I held the hot parts in gloves.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Got the sludge out of DS, mostly all lifted out like wet dough by knife.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Another tantrum at this point, the nuts ordered by the part number and quantity,
Did Not work. All the nuts would run on the 4 bolts but only one nut would screw onto the 2 studs. I had to dig through old parts to find some longer and shorter nuts to get studs nipped up with red loctite all around. Took two dude to hold the crank in vice on nip up but we didn't break off an end wrench jaw this time.

Used old rod nuts to clamp on to almost full torque the two different sized shells to fit, to find the .010" under side was bound up rather stiff. Worked it oiled for witness marks then I took Wes's razor knife and lightly even scraped over the polish areas, which were where Wes predicted in the seam area. One side had 1/2" of polish the other a pencil line. 3 scrapes improved but 5 on 1/2" area and 3 or thin area got it just right > fall right over with mild hint of smooth drag.
Factory side just had the thin line polish mark, so 2 scrapes per shell got er done.
Put on the new nuts and I measured for ~.0065" stretch forgoing my as new T-wrench. Its the nut threads that get lazy not the bolts, ha- hardly ever.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

When done just right there are no new polish marks or removal of the knife edge imperfections, just oil layer support-drag. Took us 4 fittings on TS two on DS.

I'll get the crank into cases this evening with Hylomar-thread, then fart around bike and shed prior to tomorrow Labor day piston, barrel, head and cam, on outward assembly and dialing in. Then hard part getting engine in deer distorted frame.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

OH, NO, not another rebuild thread!!

Looking good.

Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

About 5 hours a go is all me and Wes can take. Today the same 5 hour grind.
Found the cam tach drive boogered so Dremel wheel and triangular filed the bends and edges in the robust threads and tested to mate nice to tach gear. We shall see.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Cases mated normal and mallet gave Hylomar squeeze out bead all around. Nipped case bolts feeling good to get this far no damage or show stopper, mounted in vise and attempted to turn crank - barely could by hand. No tantrum but long faced blank stares. Kinda tough to turn by wrench on end nut. Assumed cases pinching bearing or crooked crank. DS and TS both show .004" run out. Not perfect but surely not enough to bind C3 Superblends. Wes said his was tight-ish but not this much. No way would it be free enough to kick over to swing past TDC to carry on. We working it around for 20 min and it eased off enough I can pull rods to swing past BDC and TDC so should be usable in a plain jane Combat.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

We quit today, next stage getting jugs in barrel and that nipped down.
If the new piston pins are smooth easy fit I'll do it myself with pistons put in the barrel one at a time clukz method.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Did you do a test fit on the cases before assembling? I did on mine and it was too tight and no end play, had to drift the timing side bearing in to seat about .008 then all was OK and proceeded with the shimming. I did have a lightly tight con bearing but it seemed to straighten out later. The Hylomar on the flanges seems to work, I have had about a pint of lube in the sump and no leaks for about 2 months now just sitting there.

Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Hey Dogt, the cases parted normally and test fitted dry back together so didn't test fit prior to sticking crank in and mating cases. In pre-Ms Peel the drag testing show room hooligan bike even before my time, had HORRIFIC cases to part the first time and then would not go back together empty. Found they taken so much torque hits that the cases had twisted and put a bind on locating dowel I had to relieve both .003" to get to mate as expected. I'm too aware of case fit issues, none in Trixie.

I've never felt any side slack in 750's ball bearing or superblend rollers and none found in Trixie using rubber mallet. Assembly lube applied so no dry bind.
Used crank parts are a bit tweaked but acceptable for ordinary steer use of plain jane. I hope. Couple $100 to have crank straightened like Peels was done.
Glad to finally make progress and already know nothing will go as described in good book.

OH yeah, last pm wearing cleaning up shed couple clutter, took burn trash to a stump but couldn't carry the manual I wanted to bone up on before Wes came so stuck in in trash, looked & looked this am w/o success to finally retrace my acts and bingo - suddenly undsterstood my mystery of having to kick at a magazine like clump I didn't remember having to put in shed trash. Old Hayes with some old notes and current Baxter invoice up in smoke.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

hobot said:
Old Hayes with some old notes and current Baxter invoice up in smoke.

That doesn't beat a nice set of Bonneville engine covers and a bunch of polishing stuff thrown out when new trash can set next to my recliner was emptied by unaware new housekeeper a few years back...
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

No sir Paul, that loss was not your fault and rather bigger deal than silly half wrong manual.
Only other down side from concentrating on Trixie this weekend was I didn't look up to shed roof on seeing a large limb on the ground. While cleaning up burn trash notice a sound in the roof area so finally got curious with flash light to see a foot size hole with rest of limb sticking through the tin. It was almost 2 am and though I could catch it before tropical depression broke our draught but got called away.
Work area room in shed is make of particle board and hole is over that. It poured all day and ain't been out to check it yet. Will be up on wet tin after I eat tonight.
Will stay out and get more parts checked/cleaned and ready to install.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

I don't think I'm cut out to be anything but hooligan pilot, mechanics just don't go as expected often enough to expect anything else constantly.

My shed is about like a cavern for condensation. Can't leave nothing unsealed.
WD40 is not even over night protection as moisture just floats it off to rust underneath still smelling useless wd40. Lithium grease same joke a week later.
I guess in Brit tradition of Rolls aging blocks in open yard for years before using.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Found good=bad nick on one of the cyrogenic and shot peened rods. They came from Ken Canaga in thick bubble wrap to reveal the flaw, oriented right where least like to be. Wes had talked me into installing w/o smoothing but couldn't rest till I smoothed it over. Crank still turns smooth and acceptable easy, I think.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Prepped parts and did touch up frame paint while hunting everywhere till 4 am to find barrel and head fasteners. That'd be 3 sets dissolving into vacuum energy.
Two factory sets and SS set. Only found about halve of each set still sealed in storage container, excepts for some of Trixies in rusty water. My order of new barrel nuts were on hand, of course they are all the wrong thread : (
Show stopper #1 until new fasteners kit bought.

Show stopper #2, front frame tabs should be 6" apart but were found 6.075" open, which turns out to be too narrow to fit the adjustable isolastic which fully collapsed is 6.090" wide. We got it in by bolt spreader and then wood blocks and 3# sledge and levering and pounding with wood drift on case top. Got it bolted up to find frame pinching adjuster so hard I could not turn open the adjuster using my 3X's more robust and better fitting pin tool than standard.
Said mean things about a lot of things, then levered and pryed and pounded front of engine up to get front mount off to have .030" More removed off RH side. Should slip in easy like rear with plenty space for gap adjustment. Just not this weekend. I'd blindly followed the vendor recommendations to remove 1/4" off front mount but needs more even with frame tweaked wider, sheeze.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

So half pleasant day with Wes that wore us both down with nothing to show for it. Wes was all perked up once cases in saying now its a rolling project. Then showed him the hang up that needed machinist. So it goes till who knows when.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Wesley and I had us a good ole quality fettering day today. Nothing went as planned or expected - no surprise at my Ozark's Norton nest. Wes only had one deer encounter at end of his drive way steeple chase climb out, whew.
So off to it. [can't seem to get webshots video to display so must tag URL]

For flavor of the fall climate and surrounds i'm not riding in. ... host=rides ... 1179CjuVIs

Plan A was get the trimmed down front iso mount installed then move to Plan b.
Was not quite as slick a process as manual or others tell me it should. ... 1179kaztHj ... 1179eLuaVY ... 1179muZzcn

Plan b un wraped new unexpected oversight by hair brain hobot, as usual ... 1179YEVrot

Plan b was to install lifters then put the barrel on with pistons > nope. ... 1179WDNeul

Ok still plenty nice day left so on to plan c for some real motorcycle fetter fun.
Here's pix of basic clearance issue we all should want more of time to time.
With a bit more off than cheap Norton did, push rods slip in/out no problemo.
Don't flinch - there's still way more meat than needed left on the bone.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Ah, the finale of fine tuned alloy being struck. If ya got a good ear you may recognize some of the sonic harmonics that attracts bats and people closer. ... 1179IiDKnY

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins. ... 1179hnPlWx ... 1179BiRBrc

Head work done for today about ready to install - who know when...
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

So off Wes rode before deer got more restless this fine hunting rutting season. ... 1179jYxfVA

Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Had a grace day and no appointments so bantered on list till upper 60's F, so thought I'd nip down cylinder sitting over cases. Cleaned up the nuts/washers then thought better run em up/dn once to clean threads. As I backed off first nut at rear corner the dang stud backed out with it and took good vice grips and heat on nut to get nut off. Sheeze I didn't think I'd hardly put torque on it once I felt it hit bottom. No big deal just red locktite it back as usual. Picked up another nut which was sitting on top its washer, but my fingers tips were cold from handling metal and did not feel the washer, so as I relaxed grip to place nut on stud, I heard this little tickle sound as the washer hit stuff on the way to the sump : (

Not sure how to retrieve it. Got barrel roped up with pistons on rods so I think enough room to get a spring claw or a vacuum hose in there. Don't think my magnet retriever head is small enough. No chewing gum on a stick handy and sure don't want to tip bike upside down, single handed : (

Got about an hour before too cold, so wish me luck or rather Trixie.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Good to see you starting up again steve. The picture in your previous post is a bit distracting :lol:
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Photo was part of trade with an artist and disturbed my wife enough I have to keep in out in the shed : ) She's got underwear, just close fitting, sheeze.

Well my bi-polar-manic-depression relation to Nortons has swing to upside after the washer let down.

Peered in but couldn't see washer so assumed it'd gone under the flywheel. Got shop vac hauled from house and found stuff to adapt a small hose to it, then cranked up compressor to try to blow the washer into reach, then I saw it for a state of amused amazement.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

I used a 1/4" wide artist brush to dabble on Hylomar on both surfaces then got the cylinder nailed down as tight as I could nip the bolts and not scar flats or fracture spanner jaw. Hylomar apparently separates it freezing cold, had to push out a blob in a bottle cap and mix it up or had parts just clear carrier component. Delays let temp drop to low 40's by time I was wrenching so closed shed doors and let the heat gun warm fingers and most of me squatting in humble Commando worship.

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Will warm a front tire by fire tonight then mount it and soon have Peel in roll around state, 1st in over 5 yr.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Oh, I forgot to mention..I was referring to the 'destroyed' pictures--not the one to britbike was salivating. That one was not so bad. :D

Keep up the good work. It's coming along!

Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Wow ... this is one GREAT read hobot !!! Can't think of anyone I know though; having more bad luck with a Norton than you. Plus all the water issues, I feel for ya Steve !!! You've included some great pics, and the experience you share here will save many of us much grief ... and tantrums to boot. (hopefully) I wish you the best on this, and look forward to reading the progress. Cheers
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

nortriubuell » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:30 pm
Wow ... this is one GREAT read hobot !!! Can't think of anyone I know though; having more bad luck with a Norton than you. Plus all the water issues, I feel for ya Steve !!! You've included some great pics, and the experience you share here will save many of us much grief ... and tantrums to boot. (hopefully) I wish you the best on this, and look forward to reading the progress. Cheers

Thanks for the healing words, about all I've gotten out of 5 yr of owning Trixie. I can tell ya I've mixed feelings, and also expressed by my curmudgeon Cdo buddy, Wesley > His ongoing grumbling remarks as we fiddle this and that > how guilty he feels to take his out as just using it up and exposing it to road fates to shut the act down for long intervals. But he's got the best special extra tool I often need when fumbling my bikes, can ya see it here?

Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.

Wes figured out how to use all a HyRyder a seat.
Trixie Combat 4.4th recovery ends & begins.
Re: Trixie Combat 4th recovery begins

Man, I had already forgotten how badly you blew that poor engine.

Go easy, lad...
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