Tricky jobs

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Oct 19, 2005
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This is inspired by the discussion on shimming main bearings. What jobs have others managed to accomplish that they previously thought had to be farmed out to 'experts'? If so do you have any tips to share?
I have recently been trying to perfect my wheelbuilding and truing technique, due to the fellow I used to use having gone out of business. Additionally a friend bought a set of valve seat cutters, so I have done done this a couple of times myself after having replaced valve guides.
I made a template out of cardboard and then folded up and welded a stainless battery bracket similar to the one for 75 pounds in the Norvil catalogue - cost a case of beer to my welder chum. I had a crack at cleaning and servicing my speedo and tacho with a new bezel and mounting kit, however this was unsuccesfull. The bezel needs a special tool to crimp it on without rippling and the instruments still fluctuate wildly even after a thorough cleaning and gentle lube.
dave M said:
I have recently been trying to perfect my wheelbuilding and truing technique, due to the fellow I used to use having gone out of business.

I found wheel building wasn't that difficult at all, and it is quite a satisfying job. It just demands a reasonable amount of care, patience and observation, and the need to understand what affect adjusting one spoke has on all the other spokes and the rim.

And I always change my own tyres -tubed or tubeless.
Not really specialist jobs but the ones you hate to do like:

- Holding four pushrods in one hand trying to get them in the follower tunnels while holding the cylinder head in the other hand without at least one rod falling out in the process

- Or trying to get the centre socket head capscrew of a standard headsteady threaded by holding it in postion with one finger from the top and turning it a fraction at a time with a finger and thumb from the back while trying to keep two washers and the earth wire in place at the same time. I've got four lengths of hex key but not one is the right length to start that screw... must get the hacksaw out again someday

There must be more ......
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