Do pay attention when Bob Patton speaks on this as he is the real source to the fire in me to change elite bike-doom concepts of handling on is head someday. Already flipped mine inside out and I ain't coming down!
Norton had to keep removing rubber surface area to get isolation down to human comfort, add any more and the isolastic rpm threshold goes up. I'm am Commando spoiled to the N'th degree, if it don't flat disappear from pilot sensation, then it ain't comfortable-desirable to ride to me no more.
Commandos are made with two mostly rigid structures over lapping through isolastic rubber biscuits. Rear patch side loads mostly side slaps the front iso silly via the rear iso pivot. This front mount side slapping is what most onset the hinged handling right into tank slappers. Magnified by iso rubbers compressing and springing back, like a screw driver stuck through rubber washer and flicked. Plus the frame itself coils and uncoils. These all interreact in positive feedback till uncontrollable. 2ndarilly the rear patch below the rear iso is also a lever arm to twist-tip the power unit to show up as side loads on the head steady.
Total rod package to me allows frame to twist up storing energy as long and hard as you care to press it. While twisted it seems to take the tire conflict out that Chris alluded to, like rear wheel steering on hi end cars. But on load let off, by power cut, lifting out of lean or fork letting go, the frame unwraps but only in one half cycle, that is snaps back to N w/o rebound. When going in rather faster than anything you've ever seen on race video and pilot stayed on, Ms Peel uses the frame unwrap right at the instead of apex traction let go to litterally sling shot her the hardest right where everyone else and their little sister are about to lose it.
On one but me can relate to this about phase 3 handling the links allow in a ruber baby buggy, so how could you even concieve there are TWO more even faster harder on power planted ways around. Alas only racer video on that sytle show them all crashing, the poor dangerous corner cripple things.
Rump link to me is worth about 80% stability, breast 15% and head 5%. All combined for me have totally solved any and all handling conditions and upsets and sense of motorcycle under me but for the G's forces I can nearly get on no dam fat assed corner cripple modern no matter their power or traction control power cutting miss direction for really going fast into through and out of turns.
Bicker and banter all ya like, I'm done with testing linked wonders, moving on the power to kick some world class robotized elite straight line wonders.
Ms Peel don't need no stinking infaces to do it either and that includes braking
but for sure not in any turning condition pashaw.