If you are looking for more compression, this isn't the place.
Although this is a low pressure area (crankcase pressure limited) it is however a high stress area(dealing with the force of the stroke). Their isn't a lot of surface area on the cases to just lay down some sealer, no matter how good it is, and just ride on into the sunset. If you go gasketless, you better make sure that the mating surfaces are perfect and that they kiss up to each other without the slightest deviation. Short of removing the studs and some how lapping the surfaces together which would perhaps require resleeving, just go with a good fresh gasket and spray both side with Permatex spray on copper coat. Torque to spec and THEN ride on into the sunset.
I grant you, some have had success without a gasket, but really, if you plan on tearing down after every race you paticapate in, then maybe going without a gasket holds some merit, otherwise, don't go there.
In answer to you question, God only knows what they were thinking back then, which today leave us with only common sence to figure it out.