Timing Chain Tension


Apr 24, 2017
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I"m Wanting to re-tension my Timing Chain. ( Its become a little noisy)
I have Richard7 manuals and One 07 tools except 2mm gap tool.
Richard's manual states a 2mm gap tool is used to set tension and that this is available on CNW website. It is not listed on their site.
Any recommendations on how tight the Timing Chain should be. How much free play is acceptable.
Or should I just tighten it up and leave it with minimal free play.

Thanks in advance.
The way we did it at Coote's was to use a feeler gauge (2mm thick) positioned between the lower timing chain run and the lower guide block . Loosen upper guide block and push down guide block until the chain is tight (no free play) , then tighten the guide block bolts . Remove the feeler gauge and check the free play . Repeat if necessary and torque guide bolts to specs in manual.
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Thanks Tony
Just what I was after
All chains are either tighter or looser at different points in slack/ tight measurements. Don't ask me why. For the Norton cam chain I just do it by feel with spark plugs out and kicking over to various positions and setting down the nuts to that tightest point with a bit of up/ down safe wiggle. Very scientific. Fitting a new chain you will have to do it all again after say a thousand KMS. or miles or whatever.