hobot said:
Anyone else tried this? 5000 rpm's, per the Boyer instruction is really cranking. I have done it this way on my '75 with the MicroDigital Boyer.
Its a tradition to Dance with Commando's on center stand to rev up enough to see full Boyer advance as more accurate than trying to hold a set rpm to match the graphed degree's at that rpm. Put thick-ish carpet or padding under center stand to stop the legs leaving witness marks across your flooring. If you are afraid to rev your engine between 5-6000 rpm unloaded then you ain't got the guts it takes to fully fetter and time a Commando. 5900 is factory listed safe sustained 850 rpm. Very young children get scared to be close to a Commando blipped into full adv rpm. If engine blows up at home under red line rpm then a blessing to happen at home - so what's the worry, get on with it like a real Nortoneer.
Yeah, I have cranked my '75 up to 5000 more than a few times to get it right, even had a neighbor call and complain once, I guess it must be those Dunstall "silencers" !
The 2000 timing rpm is a suggestion from a very knowledgeable Norton tech guy.
So far I haven't blow up my engine in the garage, but it is still early in the day!