There goes my summer of riding

Holy Smokes Glen!! That's a rotten thing to have had happen to you. If it makes you feel any better, I'm putting together another package for you. Hopefully you'll be able to run your lathe :) get well soon Amigo. Cj
Wish you a quick recovery Glen, nothing worst than being injured and it's great riding weather, been there myself, but the best thing you made it through to tell the tale just now a slow recovery, I be thinking of you when out on the bikes, the Thruxton or Norton, hope you have a speedy recovery just take it easy till you do.

Ashley from down under.
You seem to have a herd of killer cows there Glen! Bloody lucky it didn't end badly there.
Wishing you (and the dog) a swift recovery.
Steve in Denmark
I walk by a herd every morning with the dog. They are mildly interested at best. These are cattle not dairy so probably just a bit more likely to take exception. If I had to flee not likely I could make it to safety in time. Ill keep it in mind.
Another reason to support the right to bear arms....
As a youth, my buddies and I (the little bastards that we were) would walk right through small herds of cows as we passed through various fields to go fishing, exploring and whatever. They looked up, then went back to eating. Always wary of bulls though, of which we would occasionally test their temperament by peppering them with rocks once we were at a safe distance. Small rocks, mind you, we didn’t want to cause pain, just get a reaction.