There goes my summer of riding


Dec 22, 2006
As I have done all of my adult life, I was out walking pastures checking fences last week. I usually take the dog along but keep her on a leash. A Simmental cow ran at us from a great distance, then attacked the dog. The dog weighs 150 lbs and the cow threw it in the air like it was a bit of fluff.
I was intially able to scare the cow back then about 10 more joined in. Each of these beasts weigh between 1500 and 2000 lbs. They were intent on killing the dog.
We tried to get away and were almost successful when the first cow attacked me. She sent me flying thru the air. I landed on my back and she climbed up on my chest. She weighs close to a ton, so I don't know why my chest didn't collapse and innards come out. Next She put one foot on my neck to finish me off. I screamed and she got off of me.
Then they all left.
I have broken ribs, separated shoulder and many large bruises.
I'm thankful that I'm still alive. The dog is sore but OK.
Another few seconds of attack. and it would have been all over for both of us.

DANG!!!!! Glad it wasn't your time.

We recently had a guy drop off 33 Angus/mixed cattle at our place to graze (and bring down our land tax), and we have instructed our family to A) KEEP YOUR DISTANCE to the cattle, and B) NEVER TURN YOUR BACK to them...
Wow Glen, sorry to hear this. Hope you make a swift recovery.
It would seem not all the survival instincts of modern cattle have been bred out yet. This is the same behavior seen in wildebeest against lions and other predators. Wonder if these cows have had a recent run in with a wolf or coyote?
I’m not a farmer, but growing up I had friends whose parents had dairy farms, and the cows were very peaceful. I’ve never heard of this happening, it can’t be very common. It had to have been terrifying.
Wow Glen, sorry to hear this. Hope you make a swift recovery.
It would seem not all the survival instincts of modern cattle have been bred out yet. This is the same behavior seen in wildebeest against lions and other predators. Wonder if these cows have had a recent run in with a wolf or coyote?
Yes, I think the coyotes have been bothering them.
The most worrisome animal is the cow that started in to kill me.
She might just decide to do that the next time the owner is loading or unloading her or trying to herd her thru gate.

That's his concern as she is being moved back to his farm tomorrow.

Holy $hit!! Glad to see you are still with us...cut the aggressor's out of the herd and off to auction they go, or even better the processor.
That and get a bigger cattle prod. I've been chased but never knocked down, he was gone just a few days later.
As I have done all of my adult life, I was out walking pastures checking fences last week. I usually take the dog along but keep her on a leash. A Simmental cow ran at us from a great distance, then attacked the dog. The dog weighs 150 lbs and the cow threw it in the air like it was a bit of fluff.
I was intially able to scare the cow back then about 10 more joined in. Each of these beasts weigh between 1500 and 2000 lbs. They were intent on killing the dog.
We tried to get away and were almost successful when the first cow attacked me. She sent me flying thru the air. I landed on my back and she climbed up on my chest. She weighs close to a ton, so I don't know why my chest didn't collapse and innards come out. Next She put one foot on my neck to finish me off. I screamed and she got off of me.
Then they all left.
I have broken ribs, separated shoulder and many large bruises.
I'm thankful that I'm still alive. The dog is sore but OK.
Another few seconds of attack. and it would have been all over for both of us.

GlenView attachment 107550View attachment 107551
Glad you and your dog are ok mate
Glad you and your dog are ok...👍 never had a issue like that with cows...rode a mare once ..that unbeknown to me was on heat...soon as she smelt a couple of stallions in a near-by paddock she went into full noise mode and threw me off into a 5 wire fence... then charged me down as I was getting up...luckily I managed to leap the fence...if it was a beefie it would be hanging in the slaughter house right are far safer...
Unusal for cows to attack like this,one caveat to this would be that the cows had their calves nearby and the dog especially would have raised their protective instincts .
Hope you have a Speedy recovery

Hendo. ( sheep and beef Farmer NZ )
frightening, hope you make a good recovery.

A local Woodland Trust place puts ( Red Poll ) cows in their fields during the summer, presumably to keep the grass down. Always wary of them ŵhen out with the dog, and she is always off the lead when walking around the fields.
Recover quickly ! The ribs are a slow painful heal process , luckily your lungs intact ….
Best wishes for your recovery, Glen. Hope you heal quickly enough to still get in a little riding before winter kicks in.

Wow, quite an adventure there Glen. Wish you a speedy recovery. Hope your not out of commission too long. Glad you and your dog got out of there alive.