As you know I am still rebuilding my Commando and more than 3 months ago I sent the tin to be painted in KY after seing this eBay ad:
Item number: 350348196648
After multiple excuses, promises ("next week", " its done", the logo was wrong" etc) I received the side covers 2 weeks ago: bubbles under the decals, not really straight lines etc.
Today I received the tank... bad enough to bring tears to the 55 old guy I am: overlaping lines in 3D, silver tape with shadows, logo misplaced and in 3D (I like to not be able to feel the logo/paint/taping on a paint job).
Basically burned down $$ and time! I guess the old adage "to good to be true" is right once again and there is no way a $450 paint job be OK!
To add insult to injury the owner Geoffrey Farmer is "taking offense" of my remarks and dare to speak of 30 years experience!!!!
:evil: Philippe :evil:
Item number: 350348196648
After multiple excuses, promises ("next week", " its done", the logo was wrong" etc) I received the side covers 2 weeks ago: bubbles under the decals, not really straight lines etc.
Today I received the tank... bad enough to bring tears to the 55 old guy I am: overlaping lines in 3D, silver tape with shadows, logo misplaced and in 3D (I like to not be able to feel the logo/paint/taping on a paint job).
Basically burned down $$ and time! I guess the old adage "to good to be true" is right once again and there is no way a $450 paint job be OK!
To add insult to injury the owner Geoffrey Farmer is "taking offense" of my remarks and dare to speak of 30 years experience!!!!
:evil: Philippe :evil: