The FREE Norton from ED in NH

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RobsNorton said:
PS: Is there an exploded view of the Engine anywhere that someone knows of??


The FREE Norton from ED in NH

Old Britts
Do I dare ask for the Case Diagram also? - Thanks.. Excellent Image to go from just-in-case.. :shock:

Old Brits has it for ordering parts, but get a Norton Factory Manual for gosh sakes, everything is by universal p/n. Do learn the quirks of your model of course.
There is also Norton's Owners Club Tech Notes that detail quirts and errors and upgrades to be aware of across the model years. Cdo's give sweetest rides of any bike to me. I wish I was faster to keep them going is all. Like your flywheel there are time bombs in factory issue and owner assembled things, no way to find but break em on the road or eliminate soup to nuts. Takes me years to save and turmoil a fully fettered Cdo, crank to tank finish.
RobsNorton said:
Do I dare ask for the Case Diagram also? - Thanks.. Excellent Image to go from just-in-case.. :shock:


I gave you the link. Go to the 1971 on the left side and just look to your heart's content.
OK I missed the link.. Thanks swooshdave

As a test I put it on Craigslist for $1,500.. it was a sort of 50/50 on replies.. Some know the VALUE like it was a Vintage HD and want to run up from Delaware and pick it up sight-un-seen.. Others (local) just love to be (_!_)'s and call it a box of rust and called me a "Dumbass" lol.. Therefore I'm not selling it.. :mrgreen: - Dontcha love a CHALLENGE??

Thanks to all who have helped.. For now She's in a Box stored away for Winter.. I'll do what I can when I can probably restoring smaller parts until the Frame is ready to go back together..

Again thanks for all your HELP

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