Many years ago, I was friendly with a guy who dealt norton parts and was a great perveyor of all sorts of norton mythology... At one point in his rantings, he convinced me to try a pair of taller, pulled back handlebars in place of my existing, stubby, low, (almost flat actually) bars. As I recall, the electrical wires were barely long enough to work with the taller bars, but the clutch cable was NOT long enough to reach the high bars... so I had to buy a clutch cable. I think I rode the bike with the tall bars for about a week and switched back to the stubby bars. I just perferred the body position that the low bars gave me. (I still have those bars, I should sell them...)
Thankfully, I stopped listening to that guy because he was always trying to get me to buy and install one of the two drouin superchargers he had in his parts bin... I was smart enough at the time to just want to make my bike a very ridable norton, not the ongoing NASA science project it would have had, if I kept listening to his baloney.