The gas cap gasket has a lip. Does the lip to up toward the cap or down toward the tank. Logic tells me it goes up toward the cap with the flat surface to the tank.
Thanks MikeM
I was able to pry my old gasket off my Atlas fuel cap. Made a copy from 1/16 " thick synthetic cork. Works great. Did same on oil tank cap, .... seals better than original .... at least better than 54 yr old original.
Now that I see I had it on correctly, I have a re-pop Roadster tank that I cant get to seal. I am going to try and make a cork gasket in addition to the rubber one. I am going to fit it between the rubber gasket and the cap to put just a little more pressure on the tank lip. Hope this works. For now, I am not filling the tank all the way. Its a pain.
Thanks for the photo. Its just what I needed.
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