States' Rights? Trump to Ban California from Making Its Own Laws


But it doesn't take a poor man to see the writing on the wall.

I don't have the luxury of giving up on the government. I have no pension, probably no social security, shitty health insurance and another 60 years to live. I can't just opt out and make cynical remarks from the sidelines.

So what do I do? I vote for the person I think has mine and my families best interests at heart. That person is not a Republican.

honestly, you get out of NYC NOW and buy some property somewhere that is growing, because the shithole cities are going to cast a wave of people who are fed up into the rural areas of this country (again) so your best investment will be a house in some quaint little town in idaho or colorado, or washington state ;). Fix the place up, sell it in 5 years, and move 5 miles out of town and do it again... other than that, I wouldn't know what to tell you if you stay in NYC.
Donald Trump is whatever is in the best interest of Donald Trump. It was the reason for his impeachment.

I think you are wrong there. I think Donald Trump wants to be the most successful president ever,... for his own ego... He realizes that both parties have shafted the american blue collar middle class and he won the presidency on the issues surrounding our forgotten blue collar americans. His best quality is that he's not a washington insider from either party. As Onder said, both parties are self serving first, then to their financial backers, then lastly YOU... Trump is a wild card, and that's why even his own party was working against him in his first years when they had a house and senate majority.
honestly, you get out of NYC NOW and buy some property somewhere that is growing, because the shithole cities are going to cast a wave of people who are fed up into the rural areas of this country (again) so your best investment will be a house in some quaint little town in idaho or colorado, or washington state ;). Fix the place up, sell it in 5 years, and move 5 miles out of town and do it again... other than that, I wouldn't know what to tell you if you stay in NYC.

That is the plan. Ownership. If you want a laugh, look through NYC real estate listings.

Donald would certainly like to be the best and in his own mind he already is.
That is the plan. Ownership. If you want a laugh, look through NYC real estate listings.

Donald would certainly like to be the best and in his own mind he already is.

yeah, the prices were crazy everywhere when I lived in New York. I have to get my ass to work today... so no time to philosophize.
Come to Texas Pete and just chill out before California buys up everything.... You'll find yourself riding more and fretting less about politics. While the cities devour themselves you can still enjoy the rural areas.
I know.... the state capitol is about like NYC, but just avoid it like you would crotch critters.... Too many man-buns being worn, men in short tight-legged jeans..... You know the signs of disease. We still have places with horseshit close by too, and plenty of boom sticks to play with.
The talking head said 1 + 1 = 2 I don't "parrot" as much as I agree. You seem to think calling me a "one of the country rubes" is a good argument. It sounds more like you're out of arguments to me.

Yeah, I get it. You're in your later years so you vote for the party who hands out the benefits for votes, and hands the taxpayers the bill. I don't think you're a "rube" for voting in your own self interest, but I think there's another side of the coin to the most of the hand out mentality. At some point, much like our national debt the shit is going to hit the fan.

From day 1, I knew the ACA was going to be something other than "affordable". They name sports arenas and football stadiums after insurance companies. They aren't going to help make healthcare cost less, and neither are hospitals. I had a cardio stress test done for my high blood pressure. The bill was $3,400. for 20 minutes of the doctor's time. He looked at my heart sonograms and ran out of the room. When I grabbed him to say, "I have questions", he said, "I'm busy, you're fine." and left. While good health care is a blessing when you need it, it's also a business where hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies are used to high profits. The problem isn't the quality of care,... the problem is the cost. I digressed here, but my point is that YOU may vote for the dem's because you are on the recieving end of your well deserved benefits. Many don't vote for them because they are on the paying end...

I assume you voted for George W. Bush in 2000. First thing he and the Republicans did was cut taxes, with the bulk of tax cuts going to the wealthy. The nation’s debt ballooned. Now Trump has cut taxes, once again favoring the wealthy, producing the nation’s highest budget deficit ever. So, assuming you are not of the 1 per cent, YOU voted for benefits for the 1 per cent and run up the nation’s debt and receive next to nothing yourself. That, my friend, makes you a rube, country or otherwise.

You complain about a bill of $3,200 for 20 minutes of emergency room health care, but fail to make a connection between high health care bills and the uninsured. A significant portion of the $3,200 was used to cover those who received treatment, but did not pay. Contrary to popular myth, the government does not pay hospitals for those who are treated and are uninsured, or underinsured. Those of us who are insured are paying for the uninsured. Once again, you prefer sticking it to yourself. Rube, maybe?
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Guys, for the English speakers watching this...
What’s a ‘rube’ ??

Funny, I figured "rube" to be Shakespearean in origin hah.

Basically a gullible person. An easily conned but well intentioned country bumpkin.

I'd just as soon leave the name calling to the professionals on Capitol Hill...

No place amongst us Norton owners.
Funny, I figured "rube" to be Shakespearean in origin hah.

Basically a gullible person. An easily conned but well intentioned country bumpkin.

I'd just as soon leave the name calling to the professionals on Capitol Hill...

No place amongst us Norton owners.

Pete, a rube is as a rube does. Call a spade a spade.
Come to Texas Pete and just chill out before California buys up everything.... You'll find yourself riding more and fretting less about politics. While the cities devour themselves you can still enjoy the rural areas.
I know.... the state capitol is about like NYC, but just avoid it like you would crotch critters.... Too many man-buns being worn, men in short tight-legged jeans..... You know the signs of disease. We still have places with horseshit close by too, and plenty of boom sticks to play with.

So, you’d prefer to have the trailer dwelling neighbor with 3 pickups, one of which runs and has wheels on the ground, 6 pit bulls and lives with a woman collecting welfare to that of a guy who is a well educated and earns a high income, but happens to be gay?

I’m straight myself and glad of it, but time for you to recognize the wheat from the chafe.
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Pete, a rube is as a rube does. Call a spade a spade.

I don't believe it is so black and white. People have their reasons for voting one way or another and are entitled to it under our constitution.

I do not think Frank is a rube, far from it. I understand what you are saying but remember, we are united here in a shared love of a fine motorcycle, let us not divide ourselves with petty bickering and baseless name calling.

Donald managed to con many Americans, I believe that to be true. Not because they were ignorant or gullible rubes but because they were desperate, neglected and feeling left out. DT was a protest vote.

The crazy neo Nazis fascist nut job rascist Trump supporters can get fucked.
Be careful for many of our European friends may see 'rube' as a two syllable word. Please try to avoid regional slang for their benefit... Dumb bumpkin should suffice, and easily apply to most of us at one point or another during this lengthy discourse.
“The crazy neo Nazis fascist nut job rascist Trump supporters can get fucked.”

You just described Trump.
Be careful for many of our European friends may see 'rube' as a two syllable word. Please try to avoid regional slang for their benefit... Dumb bumpkin should suffice, and easily apply to most of us at one point or another during this lengthy discourse.

Our continental friends have access to the internet, too. They can quickly find the meaning of ‘rube’. Much the same as I had to find the meaning of a car’s boot years ago. On this side of the pond you definitely do not want your car to have a boot attached.
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Be careful for many of our European friends may see 'rube' as a two syllable word. Please try to avoid regional slang for their benefit... Dumb bumpkin should suffice, and easily apply to most of us at one point or another during this lengthy discourse.

Our continental friends have access to the internet, too. They can quickly find the meaning
Bonnet = Hood.

Boot = Trunk.

Rube = Country bumpkin or an inexperienced, unsophisticated person.

Is country bumpkin a familiar term with those who drive on the “wrong” side of the road?

Two peoples separated by a common language.
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Our continental friends have access to the internet, too. They can quickly find the meaning

Is country bumpkin a familiar term with those who drive on the “wrong” side of the road?

Two peoples separated by a common language.

Yeah, I think that most of us island Rubes kinda get the country bumpkin thing.