Speed demons

According to the logbook there wasn’t a building there last time it cruised past on autopilot. At least he’s got accommodation on tow in case he’s there for a while 🤣
Speed demons
You can't fix stupid and there are a lot more stupid's operating automobiles today than ever before.
Check out the stupid look on Kayiba's clueless face, driving the wrong direction on the highway. Throw her ass in the can for a month or two and pull all driving privileges. Then maybe that dumbass won't kill someone's child or grandchild.
Man, this "I'm entitled" stuff really frost's me. Driving is a privilege, not a right...you fu#k up you lose the privilege and that includes being stupid.
I was a firefighter in my other life. There is no sight like that of a death in a car wreck, especially a child.
I suspended, long term, driving privileges from both of my sons when I caught them on the phone while driving.
Higher insurance rates result when more die...all because said driver had an "important" text message.
Yeah, well, F you and F your message. Focus the damn road!!

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