Southern California Bike Runs 04

Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
The BSA Spring Ride is scheduled for April, 25 probably at Hansen Dam and the Willow Springs Weekend is tentatively on May 6-9.

Check the website or call.

Our annual Cambria/Big Sur ride is June 4 - 6; there is no Lake Cachuma event this Memorial Day so no excuses see you in Cambria! Details to follow on other events; but, the High Sierra 2 day loop over Sonora and Tioga Passes with the Northern California Norton Club is on for September 17-19.

Club meetings are (still) at Burger Continental, second Wednesday of each month in Pasadena. See you there or on the road!
SoCal Rides

Hi Jerry,

It didn't come to mind that you were with the SoCal Norton Owners. My excuse for not seeing you at Cambria is that I don't do overnighters and already volunteered to lead the NCNOC alternative day ride on June 5.
We're going to the top of Mt Diablo then around the base on some Contra Costa Co backroads ending up at Arlen Ness's headquarters and museum in Dublin, Ca.

I'll shoot for Sept, but that's a redundant ride as I lead the Sonora & Ebbits Pass day ride in August while the main group is camping at the Dardanelles.