On option over wire brushing is tumbling with media. Various reloading (firearms) supply companies sell tumblers that are the exact same munfacture as ones sold in automotive restoration such as Eastwood.
Noteworthy also is the fact that one can cad plate with a battery and solution, it's been done by a few folks I believe, look it up. I was involved with Toyota Land Cruisers for years and cad plate faster nerd are all over those trucks. A forum to research for data would be IH8MUD.com. It's dedicated to the Land Cruiser community and full of information on metalwork and rust removal.
Eastwood used to sell a cad plate spray in a can, I don't believe it did anything but replicate the finish and perhaps offer some corrosion protection. Also try Caswell Plating, I've purchased epoxy costing from them for fuel tanks.