Sir Eddy shop Norton works

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Oct 19, 2005
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He not a Commando man, so this is all the teaser you get here
but you'll not know what ya missing out on w/o a peek in my
meager recent photo's. ... 0attemter/ ... 4635#v4-34
Sir Eddy shop Norton works

I'd guesstimate only 7-10% of Commando riders get involved online.

I purchased the rocker covers and the points cover from Sir Eddy a few years back, And I can say they are of very, very good quality. Have you guys seen the 500cc motor he is building? It looks like a piece of jewelry, No kidding.
"I'd guesstimate only 7-10% of Commando riders get involved online.


I see it more like 50 - 60% of RIDERS and Worker-oners get involved. I just don't think that most of the owners are riders/workeroners, but rather store-ers. I went into Rabers and saw a photo of a large building with at least 60 bikes stored in neat rows. King richard (parts man) said that he know of at least 7 or 8 private places within 30 miles of the shop like that. How many around the U.S.? How many in garages against the wall. Wife bitching, "When are you going to get rid of that thing?"

Without looking down, how ofter do you see a Norton on the road?
Well attending some big rallys in Ohio, Texas and Iowa,
confirms 'hobot' is an unknown to vast majority of Nortoneers,
just recognized by a handful I'd meet on various bike lists.
I also asked various folks about their online Norton activity and
most dd nott bother or reacted with boredom claim or of disdain
on the mewbie questions to set in ways ego's bickering -

Anywho, uploaded some more on Sir Ed's scope as folks
sending to me. Can't yet figure out how to include
text of Sir Ed's deer strike event that involved a good
number of folks to save his life. 5 weeks coma test. ... 0attemter/

This literally touches a vital nerve, as I almost died March '05 at scene
of headlight and helmet deer strike - broke my neck and other
major joints. The ones that get ya are often never seen, hobot ... Connie.jpg
Sir Eddy shop Norton works

Reunion Both Tearful and Joyful

On Friday, November 18, 2005, at Beavercreek Fire Station #10, there was a tearful as well as joyful reunion between Edward Bilton-Smith and his wife Connie of Canby, and most of the men who answered the 911 call on September 5, 2005, to the scene of a motorcycle accident involving Mr. Bilton-Smith and a deer.
Mr Bilton-Smith was discharged from the hospital on _______. He does not remember anything that happened from the time he looked down to check his speedometer until about 5 weeks later. He didn’t even see the deer that he hit, that was dead at the scene. The men who were called to the scene were Capt. Ryan Hari and Jason Ellison, Station #10; Spencer Lambing, and David Rydmark, Station #16 in Oregon City; Geoff Janke of Station #13? and Keith Smith, who was on duty at Station #10 for the day. Mr. Smith was not available to attend the meeting, but will have an opportunity to meet the Bilton-Smiths at a later date.
The men shared with Mr. Bilton-Smith the details of the event as they occurred from the time they arrived on the scene to when life flight flew him to Legacy Emanual Hospital’s Trauma Center. An ambulance had been called because Mr. Bilton-Smith had to be transported from the accident scene to Life Flight that was standing by.
Mrs. Bilton-Smith explained to the men what had transpired at the hospital and what surgeries her husband underwent as well as how close he came to dying. At times there were tears of emotion, but at other times there were smiles and laughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bilton-Smith’s daughter had a friend who had read the article in the “Bulletin” about the accident. She gave the article to the daughter who showed it to her parents. Conne contacted the “Bulletin” and wanted to know if there was any way to find out who the men were who saved her husband’s life and who called in the 911 call. The “Bulletin” got in touch with the proper authorities and set up the meeting.
Devon Martin, son of Ray Martin, age __, of Beaver Lake Nursery was acknowledged by his father for being the one who got the help to Mr. Bilton-Smith so quickly.
He was sitting out on the deck watching the deer in the old orchard on the property when he heard the sound of skidding. He ran down the driveway to find Mr. Bilton-Smith face down in the gravel. He ran back to the house and told his dad who put in the call. Because of Devon’s quick action the call went in within 2 minutes of the accident and help was on its way immediately.
Mr. Bilton-Smith had severe head and neck injuries as well as cracked ribs, cuts, abrasions and contusions. He was losing a lot of blood and the paramedics tried to control the bleeding and stabilize Mr. Bilton-Smith for transport. In trying to figure out how the accident happened it was thought that when Mr. Bilton-Smith’s motorcycle hit the mail box along side of the road it probably kept him from hitting a large fir tree at the scene.
Ferguson Road is very narrow and there are a lot of trees so Spencer Lambing and Dave Rydmark were responsible for finding and setting up a landing area as close to the accident site as possible. By this time it was dark and they found a spot in a field near the intersection of Henrici and Ferguson Rd.
Mr. Bilton-Smith told the men that he had been riding since childhood and even though it will take time to completely recover from his injuries he will again be able to ride his motorcycle because of the quick action of Devon Martin and the men of Clackamas Fire District #1 he will live to ride again.
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