Shock Adjustment

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Apr 18, 2009
I can't seem to find a logical way to adjust the shocks. Can anyone explain a detailed way to adjust them?

Also, What is the best way to determine the correct adjustment for my weight?

I'm 5-10" 150lbs.


If you have the stock Girling shocks, the only adjust ment is spring pre-load (ride height). There are notches for a special spanner to rotate the lower collar to one of three positions. The spanner was supplied in the original tool roll on most Commandos. A small plumber's spanner (spud wrench?) may substitue.
I've had 3 brands of shocks on my bike over the years and they all adjust spring preload the same way, by rotating the collar under the spring. If you don't have the tool (all shocks come with one) you can get by with pliers. A guy your size probably wants the lowest position (no preload).

Some brands of shocks can be ordered with different spring load ratings. My Progressive shocks came with very stiff springs even for my 200 lb butt. The ride was harsh until I replaced them with softer springs.
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