She has arrived!

Jan 1, 2012
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The lady in red arrived in Chicago this morning! :mrgreen:


  • She has arrived!
    118.9 KB · Views: 710
So nice to see her in the crate. Doesn't get any fresher than that. Leather up, boy. Never too cold for that first ride. Do a hunnered miles or so around the lake and pack it in. Congratulations. Welcome to the family.
contours said:
Raphi said:
Have fun! And let's hope winter is short...

Ha ha - where I live it's unlikely. I'm shooting for mid to late May. :D

You must have some serious will power.
I could never look in that box, and then wait till next May. :lol:
BritTwit said:
You must have some serious will power.
I could never look in that box, and then wait till next May. :lol:

My heart would ache much more if she were trapped in my shed all winter. A normal season would have snow drifts so deep up on the hill where she'd reside that I could barely get to the driveway, let alone open the door to check on 'er. This December is exceptionally mild, but I'm sure the cold, wind and snow is gonna hit soon enough. I'd rather she stay inside the dealership (MCC) in Chicago til May.
Congrats again, seriously mid May? were not that far away, I'm hoping for late March! I was out this weekend too, 60F almost mid December, my kind of weather! :D
I was out this weekend too, 60F almost mid December, my kind of weather! :D

I'm with you. Only just this weekend I put the Daytona away. I wish I could have gone for a ride, but I was busy with a bunch of other stuff. :cry:
I took my 79 Bonnie T140D out for a 50 mi. spin. I'd have taken the Norton, but she's getting a few things sorted out. Good thing about the Bonnie is, its relatively slow so I'm not quite as cold doing 60 as I would be doing 80 on the Norton. :mrgreen:
Britfan60 said:
So nice to see her in the crate. Doesn't get any fresher than that.

Once she's out of the crate the Motad exhaust and One07 Tranny vent will be installed. then she be re-mapped and broken in on a Dyno machine. After that the CF wheels, chain guard and rear tire hugger get installed before she's on to a long Winter nap. :)

By the way, MCC will not be charging me for two sets of wheels in the end. I imagine they will keep the originals.
Congratulations. Nothing like a Christmas present to yourself !! 31 degrees when I rode to work this morning. Didn't have to bother waving at any fellow riders. You've got to ride a little before winter (officially December 22). Merry Christmas.
Okay guys, I need some help with something. I had Peter, the sales guy, take some photos for me so I could determine if the Oil-in-the-Airbox mod has been installed on my 961. The left side view of mine appears below.

Below is the photo from the NOC website showing the modification.

I'm thinking it has not been done. What do you think? :?


  • She has arrived!
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  • She has arrived!
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Not done, not all bikes have a problem!

Really?! How could it vary? Maybe there is a cut off at some point in time, but I thought even the 2015s had this issue.
Most of them do it. I am temped to say they all do it , just a matter of degree. I suggest to wait for the factory to release the fix and get it installed at the dealer . Almost certain to be covered under warranty. I will be installing this fix whether or not it is covered under warranty.. Above all , do not worry about it , just drain the box every 200 miles . You can judge the amount that will accumulate by measuring with a graduated cup at the drain , and record the miles . Usually faster driving accumulates more oil , it does for me. As much as 1 ml of oil for every mile driven at high speeds (90 to 100 mph) steady . If I read the post correctly on the UK NOC , the fix involves putting the check valve black baffle box between the crank case vent and run this to the air box directly. Then they replace the rocker cover to eliminate the 2 breather hoses that run there now . It should really clean it up. Also , some of this has been covered by Richard-7 in the air box manual . Leave the bike on the side stand while draining , it helps the oil move over to the side where the drain outlet is. My Bike was delivered Dec. 2014 , and there is a 2015 bike on the forum that does this also .
TonyA said:
Most of them do it. I am temped to say they all do it , just a matter of degree. I suggest to wait for the factory to release the fix and get it installed at the dealer .

Precisely why I'd like MCC to handle it while the bike is in their care. Once I take delivery of the bike a trip to the dealer will be quite a hassle - Gold Coast will be the closest one and it's a trip I don't care to make. Hopefully this will be recognized as a full blown warranty issue before next May.

Thanks for the detailed info, too, TonyA!