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Shame on you all who haven't yet voted for your best improved bike in the contest at the top of the page! I just tally-ed up the votes that were in and it's a FAR WORSE turn out than a federal election! Come on people, this isn't Afghanistan, we won't colour your hand blue after you vote so there is no retaliation or any thing to fear. You don't even have to get out of your chair!

Your opinions matter so your participation is important. There is 2 days left and I hope many of you were like me and are just taking some time to ponder your decision but I for one would really like to see a wider participation than what we have to date (just over 60 votes in and how many members are we? That's PATHETIC people).

Thanks for doing all this Jerry, it's interesting an a lot of fun!

.........................................................................................VOTE .........................................................................................
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