Sense of humour etc

Al-otment said:
I did originally post it there, but it got moved to mc related which is fair enough.

Indeed, as the Norton Commando section is for posing topics about: Norton Commando Motorcycles. :)

If a topic does not contain any actual Norton Commando content-then it's very likely it will be moved to what the administrator or moderator consider to be the most appropriate forum section. Some of the more serious off-topic posts (Philippine disaster fund,etc.) will, however, be allowed remain in the Norton Commando section.

If a member does think the admin. or moderator has treated them unfairly by moving a particular topic of theirs to another section, then please PM the moderator [me, L.A.B.] and say why - but don't expect a message to be moved back to its original section again "just because". :wink: