Save that cam!

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Apr 15, 2009
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Not another oil thread… but an additive! Suppose to protect our dear engines from that low zinc crap they call oil.

Plus some other neat stuff!


These guys have some cool stuff. I haven't checked price but I'm sure I'll get broke getting it.

Oh, it's not that bad!
Get it while you can. I'm surprised it is for sale here in the UK. They must feel happy disclosing their contents to the HSE for the products sold here. Mil-comm certainly wasn't prepared to do it.
Nano particles - do not get on hands, even with gloves on! I like this technology and have had 9 years of using oil and grease embedded with nano particles and the results are amazing. If applied correctly it will allow sand to drop from the surface of metal and still provide lubrication. Due to the technology I believe there was going to be some investigation into the health and safety and effect of nano particles here in Europe.
Dave, Thanks for posting this. There have been some discussions in the past here about ceramic coatings and I know Hobot has talked about adding boron to oil but previously I had not seen a product intended for the purpose. I think that being able to add it to grease as well has some interesting possibilities. You gotta wonder about things like swing arms.

There has also been a lot of talk about chains around here recently. I found the product in the link below and bought some to try out on my next new chain. It was developed for use on conveyor chains. ... alon-B.htm
Yes Boron long known for its lubricity so about time it got to public market. Boron itself is a vital mineral element of connective tissue such as bone and joints ligaments and tendons and capsules and teeth and gums, so if the carrier agent ain't toxic I would not think the nano B would be. Very good point about snagging some now as economy is crazy and some child m drink it and get it outlawed along with lead containing motorcycles in their battery and wheel weights. Study up on B and it chemistry in side machinery and engines.

Study up on Boron and health uses out of a box of 20 Mule Team brand. Rather nicer to brush teeth/gums with than baking soda and makes alternative parts blaster too. Discovered by Australian to resolve ostero arthritis so he took the idea to drug companies which freaked out and got it outlawed to sell more drugs after paying off impalement of course. ... rmones.asp

hobot is an email handle so don't bother pressing caps key.
Hey hobot, don't be so quick to dismiss questions about nano particles and their effect on health. I think the questions surrounding nano particles and health issues is what form (and how much) of the mineral/element/compound enters the body and where. This nano particle technology appears to be a whole new ball game. I recall reading about at one time, some touted the virtues of drinking radium water until people began dying. The greatest proponent lived to experience his jaw decay and go away...... and then he died. Yes, your body would initially get a boost as your immune system kicked in on the defence with the Radium water but would eventually succumb (be ridden over).

A nice analogy from your playbook is filtering big particles from oil is fine but it is the smaller particles you typically have a hard time filtering that cause the wear.
Dances I'm a primary care physician with over 3 decades in toxicology and nano study so pretty alert to nano particles having different effects than bigger size substances ingested or exposed to. Even the shape of the nano particles determines how toxic or not. I and many others have saved animals, infants and adults with nano colloidal silver and hand full of other elements. Boron is water soluble so dissolves to even smaller atomic and molecular size than nano size inside us, so likely this B lube may not be toxic from the B content, but I agree with you the nano size B may indeed clog a vital pathway in us, so best to keep it off ya and just brush teeth and swallow the nice soft and slightly sweet tasting 20 Mule Team detergent like I have for some years.

Save that cam!

So, will using Borax give you a whiter cam?

Do you still have your teeth?

All kidding aside, interesting use though there seems to be some debate on the use of Borax for brushing teeth. It's a lung irritant when inhaled and ......

"borax is not a carcinogen but there is concern about exposure to the mineral since it may damage reproductive organs. EPA studies on borax and boric acid show they may disrupt hormones and harm the reproductive system, especially in men."

Sounds like you are on board with the concerns of nano particles and by no means am I saying the sky is falling.
Comparing Borax and ZDDP, what they do, and how they do it seems like an apples and oranges type of discussion.

One being generally slippery and the other taking up the slack when all else fails.
Talking abot toxic chemicals, almost every chemical carries the annotation 'suspected tumorigen'. It is because cancer occurs in every population of test animals,so the people responsible for testing new hazardous substances cover their own backsides, The question as to whether you should take such stuff seriously is a vexed one. Personally I err on the side of caution, especially where employees are concerned.
I'm been reading the science news of the boron development to market over last decade and posted some the head lines here, so glad its here now and will use as much care as about anything else associated with metals and solvents and volatiles and spinning hot powerful things. Boron in health is important in about all regards to the issues associated with weak systems and old age infirmaries so the higher quality bone/joint formulas contain it. Who knows someone may inject it and find it gets em high as shit and comfortably numb and feeling great afterwards, so then it'd be outlawed. This stuff could be worth some free hp with less friction heating drag in engine and tranny, just keep away from children and old timers cases. Find a bargain here.
" Hey hobot, don't be so quick to dismiss questions about nano particles and their effect on health. "

sounds like thyre getting to be as dangerous as television sets . Rotted Brains , lethargy & hysteria , & mass delusions ., :) :wink:
A good point on the toxic elements in special additives. Matt I'm informed enough on the scope of nano particles i don't expect civilization or major life forms to survive more than a handful of generations, if that, once the realization becomes common knowledge. Nano sizes vary and the shapes of particles of same material behave differently, especially the fiber shapes which pierce cell membranes then get stuck while spherical don't get absorbed as much and can get kicked back out easier. Boron in lube would be the rounder variety. Boron has toxic levels like anything else, but my data points imply its the solvent and carrier and the basic engine oil and additive package that's more a concern when getting it over you on drain changes. Toss in some metal-neuro poisons like Al and the pathways to expel other stuff like mercury and hormone mimicks get blocked. Some think this is one the paths to Alzheimer states. Most recent bio revelation is there is no minimal of maxim dose thats lethal or even damaging to cancer states, just pure random chance of the particular state of each cell at the time. Obviously could drown someone in oil additives or cook all your food in it and get serous sick or die, or worse past on damaged genes before ya go. So before it all ends how fast and far and slick do to ya want to go or can afford of the planet's remaining resources. I do feel some time pressure now to get my fun projects completed soon. ... o%20mn.pdf
"Hobot Speak"... How come everything in this post that Hobot has posted is clear, concise and most of all i can follow and understand what your saying.. Really different from the normal "hobot speak" ... Your not hosting an Alien within are you? Changed your medication? (Joking) ... :D :D :D :D :D
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