Roadster Tanks

May 28, 2022
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I'm looking for a trouble-free roadster tank. Andover Norton claims to have them in stock. Are these Emgo or some other source? Can someone recommend another quality source. Greg Marsh didn't list the when last I looked. I'm in the States so a US source would be best.
I'm looking for a trouble-free roadster tank. Andover Norton claims to have them in stock. Are these Emgo or some other source? Can someone recommend another quality source. Greg Marsh didn't list the when last I looked. I'm in the States so a US source would be best.

I'm looking for a trouble-free roadster tank. Andover Norton claims to have them in stock. Are these Emgo or some other source? Can someone recommend another quality source. Greg Marsh didn't list the when last I looked. I'm in the States so a US source would be best.

I have one or two left (don't remember). But, I only sell them painted - I keep them at my painter. I also don't remember if I have side covers left.

JRC supposedly has them in stock so I could have one drop shipped to you if they actually do - don't know the total until I ask - I buy batches and my painter picks them up so no shipping.

Wassell has 12 in stock and I'm about to place an order - it would cost around $425 + shipping from me.

The Bonneville Shop has what appear to be EMGO for $625. Steadfast also has what looks like EMGO for $600.

So, they are very available right now. That will not last. Multiple companies have to go together to get them - they are sold by container load and no one seller is big enough to buy a container full!
It been pretty well covered in the forum about the perils of buying Indian made tanks, personally I would be going with the Emgo repo or a good condition secondhand original roadster tank if you can source one.
I'm looking for a trouble-free roadster tank. Andover Norton claims to have them in stock. Are these Emgo or some other source? Can someone recommend another quality source. Greg Marsh didn't list the when last I looked. I'm in the States so a US source would be best.
I'm pretty sure the Andover Norton ones are EMGO. Definitely trouble-free.
I've used two of the 'Made in Taiwan' Roadster tanks on my bike builds, both were excellent finish, everything lined up and zero problems. The only thing I would say is trial fit your fuel cap before painting as it may need some adjustment to get it perfect.
FD Motorcycles supplied my Emgo tank and before they painted it said they would need to build up the filler cap neck with a bit of weld. It's something they do as a matter of course on them apparently.
That's interesting. FD painted both my tanks but I supplied them. Neither needed any work to the filler cap neck. The only work I did was enlarge the hole for the roll pin as it was slightly undersize.

Does the Emgo tank have the metal transport brace fitted across the bottom, as per the CNW ones? Both my tanks had them.
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I've sold/used 13 EMGO Roadster tanks.

One had the threaded bungs installed a little deeper than normal. Worried me, but sealed fine and is still leak-free.

All I've installed a new Ceandess gas cap on would not initially close. The rear of the filler neck was too low. Protect the tank and use a large screwdriver to raise the rear a little and they work perfectly.

IMHO, they are superior to original Norton tanks. They are heavier metal, better prepared, and include the damper like the originals. I don't paint them myself - my painter says they are easy to get ready to paint.
Pity they don't do an Interstate tank.

I'm sure they'd sell a few.
No doubt and multiple distributers have told them that. Unfortunately, no one has stepped up to buy two container loads and it would take at least that many to make it worthwhile to EMGO as I understand it. The container load before the current one sold out in less than two months - it was split between two distributers who went together to get them (one UK, one US).

I wish they would do another run of Roadster side panels. I used to check every month and the answer was always "next month" - quit checking after a year!
I wish they would do another run of Roadster side panels. I used to check every month and the answer was always "next month" - quit checking after a year!

Fortunately fibreglass ones are available, and don't have to be ethanol proof. Maybe not the perfect answer, but still correct for pre-'73 bikes
Fortunately fibreglass ones are available, and don't have to be ethanol proof. Maybe not the perfect answer, but still correct for pre-'73 bikes
Yes, and we had made in glass too. Plan to make Interstate ones, but the originals I have for a pattern are MK2A - I'm trying to find the others. Probably neither useful outside the US do to shipping.
This is what I use. I had him paint it also. Looks beautiful

"Please note: These are not hand made "Indian" tanks. We have sold over 800 of these tanks made from our own dies. We have $20,000 invested in these dies alone. The filler necks are made in England to insure perfect fit with the correct original Ceeandess caps which we also sell. Do not use cheap Chinese knock offs that leak and are pitted from new!
Our tanks are faithful to the gentler contours of the original fiberglass tanks, and not the sharper edged later 850 tanks. They are the tank of choice if you are replacing a fiberglass tank and want to retain the original lines of the 1970-1972 Roadster. Of course, they will fit all Commandos.
Because we have sold so many of these tanks the dies are fully amortized. As a result, our tanks are half the price of other replacement tanks.
Quality control: Each tank is fitted to a Commando in our workshop before shipment to insure fit, and then pressure tested for leaks.
There is a reason we have sold over 800 tanks to satisfied customers. Buy with confidence.

Note: these are sold as pictured. The last picture is an example only !!! We can paint a tank for you we have almost all colors available minus a couple of the metal flake colors . A tank painted is $$900 No mounts, cap, hardware or petcocks. 
We do offer them check out our store."
I painted a Commando Specialities tank for a friend a few years ago. It was noticeably different to the EMGO, being more rounded at the back, and of a lighter gauge steel - more like OEM weight.
Quality was decent enough, and needed about the same effort to prep.

Emgo on the right, CS on the left.

Classic British Spares has the EMGO for $499. I have painted many of these reproduction tanks Jerry Doe, Kenny Cummings, Classic Bike experience and more. They are by far, superior to the Indian made tanks, clean body lines, near perfect proportions, nice interior baffles, crisp neck and stampings around the neck. Overall a great alternative. However, be aware they do require a bit of filing along the edges of the bottom and around the tunnel. Also I always skim coat the tops as the tend to be a bit wavy and have some grinding marks when they are made. All pretty minor really, but just be aware
That's interesting. FD painted both my tanks but I supplied them. Neither needed any work to the filler cap neck. The only work I did was enlarge the hole for the roll pin as it was slightly undersize.

Does the Emgo tank have the metal transport brace fitted across the bottom, as per the CNW ones? Both my tanks had them.
the one i bought from RGM had the transport brace fitted
I still have the gold painted, plastic Roadster tank with flip up cap together with side panels, all with decals and in unmarked condition and surplus to requirements off my ‘74 Mk ll.