RMA cam chain tensioner

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Jun 1, 2003
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I just got done redoing an expensive 880 motor that developed a noise in it. After tearing it down because a noise and metal on both magnetic drain plugs I found that the RMA auto tensioner had failed. It broke where the main holder turns up to hold the spring in place and the parts was being ground up by the timing gear train. To make matters even worse is the gentleman that makes this part DID NOT OFFER TO WARRANTY OR REDUCE THE PRICE after receiving photos of the failure and telling the customer that it was only the second one he had fail. So IMHO THIS WILL BE THE LAST I WILL INSTALL OR RECOMMEND. This is a pi$$ poor way to do business IMO so it just reinforces the old adage buyer beware. If Jim had the gear drive set this job would have received a set and probably will anyway at a later date as the bike is an extremely nice no expense spared ride.
rant over
Wow, I've had one of these in the box of "to be installed" parts for a while (it's right behind the new rings, and here it is late January and I've not made a move to work on the Norton this winter. I blame the "new" Eldo - the youngest kid always hogs all the attention).

Has anyone else had any experience with the RMA piece - good or bad?
I've had mine for ten years and have had no problems. That said, I'm going to take the timing cover off shortly and have and have a peek.
I have one in my bike with 25,000 miles and one in the chopper with 30,000 miles on them with no issues. My beef was with the pi$$ poor way it was handled by RMA. The labor to remove and dismantle the engine to check for any more damage from the metal being generated from this failure and to receive NO OFFER from RMA of help on a new adjuster is WRONG.
I was on the phone with Jim Comstock last night about another motor I am doing and going to install his vent, we also talked about this failure. He has also seen the same thing and the other issue is the auto adjuster is hard on the chain. If you pay attention to the tension on a standard setup you will find that the sprockets ARE NOT CONCENTRIC and the auto tensioner goes to the tightest spot so depending on just how bad the parts are out of concentric will play a major part in cam chain life. Looks to me like a good argument to go with the gear drive set from Jim :mrgreen:
That RMA guy should have simply given you a new part on good faith. I've looked at buying one and now I won't. If you can't stand behind your product I won't buy from you.

I bought a weld on hardtails ection for a Triumph I'm working on. I had a few special alterations done by the manufacturer, and I decided to switch gears during my build and use a difefrent rear wheel setup, which meant the axle plates would no longer work for me.

I sold the hardtail section at a loss, which is no big deal. I ordered a new rear section from the same company and told the guy I'm going a different way and the old section won't work for me. The fellow insisted on sending me a new rear section for free! That's right, for free. He said if I wasn't happy, he wasn't happy. He definitely did not have to do that since it was myself that decided to do things difffrently. I did however insist on sending hime money for shipping as he was even going to spring for that as well. That is customer service above and beyond, not some grouchy old guy that can't give out a $50 part to replace a defective tensioner and keep a customer happy.
What kind of noise were you hearing?
I too just finished rebuilding an 880 engine (for the 2nd time). I have an RMA tensioner too, The engine makes a noise after warm-up that sounds sort of like a rocker clearance problem but with kind of a high pitch ringing sound to it. Not at all how it used to sound . Rocker clearances are correct. Aside from the new RMA tensioner I used steel pushrods. Jim Comstock is working over my new Fullauto head and I figured I would take a look at the pushrods when I put the new head on. Now you have me wondering about the tensioner and if I should check that too. Or, maybe by the time it warms up around here Jim will have the timing gears ready and I may go that route.
This was more of a heavy rattle around the base of the cylinder. at first i thought that it might of have a cam follower lose the stellite base but not to be. good luck on your RMA part !!
Having the stellite end come off of a follower is what started this project for me. I had the engine revved up to 3 grand while timing it and it started to make a knocking noise down low. I had been wanting to repaint the frame , tank and side covers for a couple of years but was having too much fun riding to tear it apart. Sometimes I need a kick in the rear to get going on a project. That was it.
Bill G
My procrastination has finally paid off! I've got a 750 project that I'm building for a friend of mine, I've completely rebuilt the engine from the crank up but from first start-up it was making a similar noise to that described. I shut it down and put it on the back-burner because some other projects are currently coming to fruition, however It has an RMA tensioner in it and my first inclination was to try it with the standard tensioner before going any further. Now that I've had the benefit of other forum members' experience this will definitely be my first step.
zackybilly1 said:
DID NOT OFFER TO WARRANTY OR REDUCE THE PRICE after receiving photos of the failure

Bill, Could you post those pics so we can see?


RMA cam chain tensioner

RMA cam chain tensioner

sorry for the quality these was from my phone in a hurry just for you :D but you should see the failure. the owner kept the rest of the JUNK so I don't have it to photograph
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