I just got done redoing an expensive 880 motor that developed a noise in it. After tearing it down because a noise and metal on both magnetic drain plugs I found that the RMA auto tensioner had failed. It broke where the main holder turns up to hold the spring in place and the parts was being ground up by the timing gear train. To make matters even worse is the gentleman that makes this part DID NOT OFFER TO WARRANTY OR REDUCE THE PRICE after receiving photos of the failure and telling the customer that it was only the second one he had fail. So IMHO THIS WILL BE THE LAST I WILL INSTALL OR RECOMMEND. This is a pi$$ poor way to do business IMO so it just reinforces the old adage buyer beware. If Jim had the gear drive set this job would have received a set and probably will anyway at a later date as the bike is an extremely nice no expense spared ride.
rant over
rant over