RGM neoprene gearbox gaskets

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May 11, 2010
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Anybody use RGM neoprene gearbox gaskets? Hate to
put them in and then find they won't do! Gasp!
It a personal call to even use gear box gaskets. They only serve to help seal poorly mated-matched case surfaces. They serve no purpose to space anything but do provide some crush slackening to weep or allow case parts to squirm.
I use Peramtex Racer Blue Hi Temp Hylmar for every need on a Commando.
Sorry no RGM knowledge, like a Nun, I don't need none don't want none ain't gonna get none. Now Red Siicone rocker gaskets are a vital need to score.

They're probably fine, but why not stock gaskets? Unless you've got some serious hard-part issues, they work just fine.

Do agree on the silicone gaskets for rocker covers - they work MUCH better than the stockers.
BrianK said:
They're probably fine, but why not stock gaskets? Unless you've got some serious hard-part issues, they work just fine.

Do agree on the silicone gaskets for rocker covers - they work MUCH better than the stockers.

Read up on the neoprene gaskets, apparently they aren't as resilient as the silicone.
Pretty much staying with paper gaskets, I know we used to do cases on
airplanes with liquid permatex and silk thread. Thought that maybe
Id lead out of the dark ages. They would seem a bit too squeegy.
Gluing together stuff often works well for leaks but makes teardown
a bother.
Onder I'm going back to the dark ages as concerns a thread in the seams.
I've tried various new age nylon and poly-what-ever-lene, and find these do not absorb the sealing goop and displace it as thread smears on on clamp force then some more with engine heat, then its length can shrivel up and break.
I had no leaks I could tell from these treads d/t the gasket goop still intact.
I'm going to try cotton or silk next time but its a booger to find these.

hobot - hope someday will only use a carb manifold.
Our level of expectation regarding oil weeps are much higher
than when the Commando was built, so I suppose we must
keep this in mine.
Gearboxes dont have much in the way of pressure to force oil out
like crankcases or heads. RTV silicone or Hylomar would be fine
Im sure just that a regular dry paper gasket makes tear down
much easier.
Perhaps Im afraid of jinxing myself!
Well ok if I expect to be back inside of something fairly soon then plain paper gaskets are a treat, if ya plan ahead or wait on an order to arrive. I've had breakdowns or mystery malfunction that didn't take too long to fix but then no intact gaskets on hand. I checked w experts before going sans gasket, so no delay excuse for more riding.
What I do for TS case that needs a paper gasket for oil pump nozzle seal gap, is glue goop gasket to TS cover then smear some Hylomar on exposed gasket and some grease on the engine case and mate em up. Then can just unscrew/rescrew w/o dealing with gasket or goop a few times.

Howdy All,

I put RGM neoprene gerabox gaskets in 10,000 miles ago along with RGM close ratio four speed.

I have not had any problem with either.

The main reason for using neoprene was because I could!

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