Replace cam bushing?

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Oct 31, 2018
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I'm getting ready to put a 1973 750 engine together and I think I may have an issue with the T/S cam bushing. Photo below:
Replace cam bushing?
Hard to see in photo, but there are scoring lines on various parts of the ID. I believe these were probably made when the cam was extracted. I noticed a lip on the cam shaft adjacent to the keyway, probably caused when key being removed. This lip had to be removed in order for me to test fit the cam into the case. After the lip was sanded off, the camshaft slid easily into the bush.

My question is, do I need to replace this bushing?

I am hoping the answer is no, because after reading various threads on the subject, it is apparent that I do not have the equipment to do this job myself and I'm not familiar with a machine shop near me that might do it.
There appear to be no issues with the drive side bush.
No need to replace. Those marks will cause no problems.
Next time stone the burr BEFORE removing.
Good point. I didn't notice it before removal, but didn't look for it either. Next time I'll know better.
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