Rear travel excess

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Oct 19, 2005
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I"m relieved to find Ms Peel cradle/swing arm/frame/ioslastics is not as cockeye'd as feared. Even the tire off centers only half as much as factory, yea! Accidentally got a bit more chain run fudge factor for 18x130 tire.
Here's 2 views of ROM-range of motion limits - I think I may have to deal with. 15" to 10" just barely clears. Nothing to add till I speak with a tech on shock travel and sag to expect. Less hi centering, more lean clearance and 250 lb cargo are goals sought. Can't haul many feed bags, beer cases or camping for 2 on most Cafe's.
Chain run clearance is still a mystery show stopper to test next.

Rear travel excess

Rear travel excess
OK got actual data to test clearance range. 105mm-4 1/8" metal to metal but with 1" bumper that compresses to 1/2" gives 3 5/8" total travel, not so excessive.
Here's view with 1" sage and 3 5/8" max squatted position . Tire still sticks up past loop a bit.

Rear travel excess

Rear travel excess
Of course it's in the living room, where else would a Commando be? Steve is probably taking the pictures from his recliner.

Yes living room with view taken as same one I see form my 'rocking chair' If I'm still too long I stew in my own juices and brain fogs up. Almost got depressed the longer shocks range would foul my space for oil temp and electrical box behind the spine gusset. Now relieved I can get away with it and mount forks/wheel and see if i can get upright to diddle some more. Whole living room is devoted too clutter. Wife and I have a truce, she can jungle it up and I can junk it up.
Hehe, maybe she'll get used to my mistress inside once functional. 4 days snowed in with car flat tire frozen to ground in ice then snow packed. Been all around on 4 wd truck just not tagged yet so not on highway unless emergency. Its times like this my Commando special will be a fun test of handling and traction control.
There is a way to spin out rear but not fly wide, just screw a tight spiral right into the ground. Snow is nicer to imprint than THE Gravel.
That's not a recliner, it's a Zimmer frame.

Man, you need to get a CAD program...
Jeandr said:
hobot said:
Snow is nicer to imprint than THE Gravel.

Rear travel excess

Not always :cry:


cool xray, that's what I do. I always wonder if there is any pain from the sharp points of the screws that manage to poke through the other side of the bone? Being polite, to watch these surgeries... let's just say they are less than precise lol.

Anyway back to the topic
Hehe I'm licensed to irradiate and often see how crude of carpentry surgeons are. No way would even novice mechanic leave so many loose wires ends spread out or have such poor measures hardware is aimed cockeye'd and over length. When I crashed an untralight in '83, d/t Dust Devil catching up with me from behind, that lifted tail and cut wing lift and shot me as ground from tree top height, I had to wait a bit to get some air spreed back before I stuck legs out locked to flair wings about one story up, still hit almost nose first, folded up landing gear strut, folded up feet and bones like a dead turkey foot, folded knees up to brust through two tubes of crose frame to wipe them across me face as they parted to leave two indian war paint makks on each cheek, main spar folded, which dropped engine into my back breaking off the spark plugs, but didn't penetrate d/t plug boots, the prop broke off on ground just inches behind me, I blanked out for a few seconds to come too with dusst still fogging view. Once helped out I stood to feel nothing but WHITE NOISE where feet used to be, so intense nerves just over whelmed. Helped girl friend load the wrech in my 'Wonder Van' and she drove me to get x-ray, MD glanced at it, cocked head saying not too bad or dislocated, took 3 steps towards me then stopped in tracks frozen and slowly turned step by step he took another look at film and turned pale saying oh my everything in in mid foot crumbled and splintered. Then he put a socks over lower leg/foot, then pulled it down gentley to even it before a brace put on, but instantly shock about the most servere pain of having an anvil dropped from over head on top of foot and it stayed that way for many months. Told I'd never run or jump again and boy howdy could I believe that at the time. !st attempt to just move stuff in place and cast it failed. Muscle tendons and opposite ligaments just pulled pieces apart. This took about 3 wk to determine. I sought out Pediatrist who split R foot from big toe to back of heel to scrap out scar tissue froming in the bone cracks and put a auger like screw throught the now 3 peice cubic bone, the ey stone holding arch in place, but screwed in into the proximal joint space of the big toe, the main one that bend through the toe pad.
Ever had a sliver of material jammed in teeth, well imagine that being a sheet metal screw instead. I could not afford surgery on L foot so just got bigger boot to stuff it in to work on crutches. After horrific nights of fire like pain the swelling would drain down till I got upright, then took about an hour of hydraulic refill spliting apart new fromed tissue till it filled cast and boot to the max, then just pure fire w/o the ripping searing pains on top. Oh yeah the 8" long stitched seam tore open like a split water melon ~2" wide in arch.

Seven months for wound to mostly close, L foot pretty good but still on crutches d/t R foot collapse reflexly to bend big toe stepping. Got my films and looked real close, to see the screw seemed inside joint space so hobbled into the foot Dr. office and told him he mis aimmed a bit and lets remove the screw. Novacain locally was nice as he probbed to get phiips head driver locked on screw head. As he backed in out I could feel/hear the cancellous bone turbiculii crunching, so I asked to take a few turns at it myself and got it out. Wide head, narrow shaft and wider threads, exactly like a miniture ground arguer. I could walk out the office almost fine, as if the tooth pick stuck in teeth had been removed. 10 days later I ran bare foot on beach in frezing cold, starting at soft dry sand ending up on toes only sprint on hard pack they drive cars on at water edge. I marked that day as done with it.

12 years later the "mistreated" L foot/ankle crippled me and Nothing my clinic did or others even injecting procaine and sclerosising agents did nothing. I'd spend my lunch break with acup. pin jammed to the bone and electrical stim turned WOT instead of eat to be able to endure second half of day. Then a Mt. Hood seminar ski trip announced in a month, which I realized meant I'd be sippin hot tooddies while everyone else played. So finally wised up how i fix about everyone else and put attention on brain stem, which area felt brand new and in 3 wk was crashing and tumbling down double black diamond runs in glee. End of feet issue and can squat for half hr sitting on heels to worship my Commando's. Broke neck a few times since but have regrown 2" and feeling good enough to take next deadly impact with just a day off and no damn expensive medical crap to further annoy or lingering side effects.

To Lenghten Thy Life, Stretch Thou Neck.
To Tougheb Thy Life, Eat Rocks.

Rear travel excess
I think you got 4 BSC threaded screws, and one SAE coarse thread there...
pelican said:
cool xray, that's what I do. I always wonder if there is any pain from the sharp points of the screws that manage to poke through the other side of the bone? Being polite, to watch these surgeries... let's just say they are less than precise lol.

Anyway back to the topic

There was no pain from the screws I think, but my arm movement was limited by having that metal piece in between the two bones so I had it removed on december 29, the operation went well but I had a little complication after, phlebitis in my left arm. Everything is OK now and I have regained better arm movement with less constant pain.

Rear travel excess

I was told everything is titanium, the screws are torqx button head, one has deeper threads, that is the one inserted in the smaller bone fragment.

Alrightly neat lightened drilled Ti brace for a cafe show piece!

All and any pain comes from brain interpreting the "noxious" signals that arrive there. There are 2 sources of these "noxious" signals, one form the local area and two from the higher nervous system. The local signals by them selves usually are just ignored and worked right through, even fractures and hardware, UNLESS the higher nervous system is also involved UN-known, But MAGNIFYING the mild almost nothing from the local injury area. OH yeah local injury only can hurt like crazy a short time but then should ease down unless re-injured, then also calm down. It sorts like with our carb/fuel symptoms, must also look as electrical to solve.

I see lots of crude wires in split chests, clavicles and hip replacement cases. These have wire ends sticking out at odd angles even poking peaks in skin surface, but by and large they are not causing new damage and can be rubbed on w/o tenderness. BUT when the spinal cord/brain stem are also involved, you can't feel that because there are no "noxious" pain sensors there, It can MAGNIFY the little nothing signals into crippling pain and dysfunction that most neurologists can't find and blame patents as malingering. Meds can block some the pain signals but only so much and don't fix nothing and interfere with tissue repair to boot. Fine for first aid, not long term.

I had to get my screw out of toe joint to walk again but it did not hurt hardly at all, just prevented joint loading and motion which failed to trigger muscle relfexes on toe off so my calf muscles would collapse for a short spike in local joint pain, but gone instantly no linger as soon as joint not binding on screw.
Same with your collar bone hardware, had to go to allow range of motion and nerve reflexes for coordinated muscle action.

Often the cases I see can't have a new hip replaced as already used up the biggest 'system' available on a couple/3 surgeries, so told tough luck live with it on dope. Solution is always found in upper cord that calms down the local signals and pain and inflammation goes down dramatically and strength and rom go up towards normal. Then normal allowed activity re=grows the area for the long term. Rarely even have to handle/treat the local area much to make believers out of em that send me new cases or I'd starve for motorcycle parts money.

The sad news in our various local injuries that get all the attention is the spinal ligament injury is missed and let to decay for unreasonable pain/trouble in local injury or way more severe stuff like stroke, heart attack, brain and mood symptoms, plus old age aches and pains. Hardly anyone just gets a broken bone or joint w/o a whiplash/ligament injury as well, like hitting curb in car to miss align tires, tires wear faster so just replace, till the ball joints go and even with new tires is hard to steer.

Best long term approach I know of is the neck stretching/traction to lengthen and re-grow the forward curve which restores disc space and dissolves the bone spurs and rough joint surfaces that press on vessels and nerves. Plus enough mineral complex to stay at ease and enough body don't have to steal minerals from bones/teeth/hair/nails and muscles to stay alive and not shrink over time.

in this post on rear ROM, I"m hoping to get enough when I hit bumps/holes at speed the rear can follow them w/o top or bottom outs that loose control and dump me just going straight. I think I've regrown neck and limbs enough to take some more dumps and fractures w/o much side effects to prevent doing it again and again next couple of decades. How's your old age treating ya?
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