Now have the iso unit in cradle and will complete reassembly by end of day.
Lifting frame by way of a motorcycle flat type screw jack, with support seats at rear of frame rails. Front wheel held in a floor wheel chock. Front iso bolt loosened. Headsteady off. Hamcan removed. Lifting frame I watched everything for interference and found the horn was limiting further rotation. So was able to remove (Fiamm freeway blaster aftermarket in stocks location) after some wee struggles. Everything else was OK, carbs, throttle cables, wiring, oil lines. Got full clearance to both ends of rear iso tube.
Must say, the mkII rubbers, new a year ago, are approaching hockey puck level of hardness. AN rubber easy to compress and squeeze. They are also about 2-3mm narrower than new mkII ruɓbers (I'm pretty sure these must be Norvil or RGM, my reseller was not able to state what he sent me a few years ago).
This, with the fact there are 3 actual iso bushings with mkII and only 2 on mkIII should make for a dramatic difference in vibration management.
No big issues removing bushes once I recalled needed to twist them in the bore before pushing out. Twisting easy by just knocking a long screw driver against edge of rubber to push it down bore, basically flipping it sideways.
New went in smoothly with good amount of dielectric/silicon grease.