Rear brake pivot, interesting find

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Sep 15, 2014
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The rear brake on my high mileage 74 Norton Interstate was acting weird. Up on the center stand and rotating the back wheel you could feel and hear the brake rubbing but only for a small part of the rotation. I thought it was a tight spot and backed off the adjustment to see where it stopped and it just didn't. I removed the rear wheel and rear brake assembly. The head of one of the 1/4" bolts at the pivot end had sheered off and tore up the shoes and drum, but the spacer bar was still in place. Not sure why but they had no hardness marks on the head which would make them a GR2. The pivots themselves were loose in the backing plate, what a mess. New brake drum, good used backing plate, new Ferdo shoes, good used spacer bar and GR8 bolts and Locktite. Replaced the rear chain and packed the double bearing in the drum. Spins free with no tight spots and minimal free length on the rear brake pedal before engagement.
John in Texas
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