Prince Harry, mental health role model...

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Well she who wears the pants is running the show, she has said she has desires to be Preserdent one day and to get there you need a lot of money, but love is blind and one day Harry will wake up and say WTF have I done, I had such a good easy life before she got her claws into me, the power of the pussie.

I watched ten minutes of his drivel (because this thread had piqued my interest) until he started the virtue signaling and claiming everyone but him is racist. 🤮
Had to bail out.
I gave it a look on "60 minutes of BS"...and a look was all I needed.

Carefully scripted and wife coached.
On-Air questions reviewed and approved in advance of interview.
Carefully edited/manipulated to present a specific image of Harry for public perception.
Anderson Cooper is not an investigative journalist, never has been.
Cooper is a hack teleprompter reading televised talking head, one of thousands. The only reason he rates national recognition is he is gay and his mom was a Vanderbilt.
So much of the falsely labeled "research" 60M's claims to have performed is executed by a staff of well woke minions all monitoring the nearest social network for their specifically chosen "facts".
Harry Reasoner, Mike Wallace and Ed Bradly are rolling in their grave.

Honestly I feel sorry for the guy, Harry.
He still looks like a deer caught in the headlights while the media opportunists, his so called wife included, are raking and re-raking that guy for every viewer point and advertiser dollar they can score.
Harry's problem is he just doesn't know when to STFU.
I gave it a look on "60 minutes of BS"...and a look was all I needed.

Carefully scripted and wife coached.
On-Air questions reviewed and approved in advance of interview.
Carefully edited/manipulated to present a specific image of Harry for public perception.
Anderson Cooper is not an investigative journalist, never has been.
Cooper is a hack teleprompter reading televised talking head, one of thousands. The only reason he rates national recognition is he is gay and his mom was a Vanderbilt.
So much of the falsely labeled "research" 60M's claims to have performed is executed by a staff of well woke minions all monitoring the nearest social network for their specifically chosen "facts".
Harry Reasoner, Mike Wallace and Ed Bradly are rolling in their grave.

Honestly I feel sorry for the guy, Harry.
He still looks like a deer caught in the headlights while the media opportunists, his so called wife included, are raking and re-raking that guy for every viewer point and advertiser dollar they can score.
Harry's problem is he just doesn't know when to STFU.
Well said.
I was raised in what I thought was 'the English way' having been from a New England family that traces lineage back to religious lunatics that left in the early 17th century. What that meant was: you keep your family stuff to yourself. Oh well. None of it really matters in the end, it's just a soap opera. People need to keep active and avoid over analyzing their own predicament. Nobody gets out alive, enjoy the time you have.
Apologies to anyone that doesn't know who uncle Albert is
In only fools an horses 😉


  • Prince Harry, mental health role model...
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I can't believe how stupid people can be by keeping this show going by rushing out to buy his book and for the media setting up interviews with him, surely they wouldn't pay him for those set up and rehursed interviews, but Harry is a good actor as he keeps a straight face when being asked a question that the interviewer has been trained to ask, well his wife has been taught to do acting so she is good at training her little man.
As well the BS he killed 25 while serving his country, what a load of BS as when he was over there he would have been protected and not sent into action, all I ever saw on the news was Harry sitting behind a big machine gum at a protected fort and fire a few round out into the 🏜 which was set up for the media, come on sending a royal out into a danger zone to fight just wouldn't happen, they are all protected.
But poor old Harry believes in what comes out of his mouth, over time people who BS or lies all the time get to a point they believe it really happened and the worst thing everyone believes in him, come in suckers.
I can't believe how stupid people can be by keeping this show going by rushing out to buy his book and for the media setting up interviews with him, surely they wouldn't pay him for those set up and rehursed interviews, but Harry is a good actor as he keeps a straight face when being asked a question that the interviewer has been trained to ask, well his wife has been taught to do acting so she is good at training her little man.
As well the BS he killed 25 while serving his country, what a load of BS as when he was over there he would have been protected and not sent into action, all I ever saw on the news was Harry sitting behind a big machine gum at a protected fort and fire a few round out into the 🏜 which was set up for the media, come on sending a royal out into a danger zone to fight just wouldn't happen, they are all protected.
But poor old Harry believes in what comes out of his mouth, over time people who BS or lies all the time get to a point they believe it really happened and the worst thing everyone believes in him, come in suckers.
I would rather jam rusty nails in my eyes than read or watch this fool
Well the media has been fooled as instead of world news on the news, we get 15 minute of this BS instead of real news in what is happening around the world or at home, seems poor old Harry is more important than criss around the world, I have no desire in listening to a spoilt brat and his wife who has suffered so much, not, get over it and shut your trap, but then so many have nothing better to do with their lives but to listen to his and her hard luck stories, give it a rest as there is more important things in the world than listening to these poor rich people who have been done so bad, not.
Well the media has been fooled as instead of world news on the news, we get 15 minute of this BS instead of real news in what is happening around the world or at home, seems poor old Harry is more important than criss around the world, I have no desire in listening to a spoilt brat and his wife who has suffered so much, not, get over it and shut your trap, but then so many have nothing better to do with their lives but to listen to his and her hard luck stories, give it a rest as there is more important things in the world than listening to these poor rich people who have been done so bad, not.
Most of mainstream media are nothing but a mockingbird distract & coach most folk how to think for harry goes... people playing the victim...has never washed with me.
Independent journalism is far better
Look up "operation mockingbird"
Its still alive and well today 🦜🦜
Its still alive and well today 🦜🦜
Yeah but, that was then…

Couldn‘t possibly happen today… … …
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