Pre Unit Triumphs .

Jul 25, 2010
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No Brakes is FASTEST . :eek:


1st mixed martial arts race (Oval Super Battle in Kawaguchi 2015)

Reminds us of the unsealed roads , usually only upright into slow bends , would you ' throw out the picks ' ,
At speed , feathering the brakes , and the throttle , untill it'd ' hooked up ' was the way , & off & settle ,
steadying - pushing it through , till more upright . Generally on loose surfaces , circumspect ,
like on wet tarmac , was the go . Wet Clay was NOT Tractive , or rolling stones underfoot .
If you are strong-hearted and ride on your reflexes, you are doomed. Everything you do when you ride at high speed needs to be well considered. When you approach any corner, you need to to know how faat you can get around it. I still think in miles per hour, and I know what a 70 miles per hour corner looks like. When I race, I am not brave. I just sit on the bike like a blob and operate the controls , I look for the next guy to whiz past in the corners, and never worry about the straights. If you have anxiety when you race, you usually need a better bike.
I lost my ego the first time I crashed in front of a big crowd.
I am 81, and I would race again tomorrow, if it would not worry my wife, These days, classic motorcycle road racing is a close as you can get to flying a Spitfire during WW2. Cars do not get anywhere near as close, but racing car drivers believe they really race, until they try motorcycles. Then they learn some very hard lessons.

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Al seems like the wife rules the roost at your place, my wife has no say in my life or my riding time, if it was her or the bikes she knows which way I would go her bags be packed real quick, sorry my love but she knows lol.
As for flying Spitfires during the war you had to fly on the edge as them pesky Germans were trying to kill you, but most pilots that flew them only had low hrs of flying them and in battle that wasn't good.
But these bike racing in Japan is as bike as horse racing over there and big money ride on them races and corruption is hard to get away with and what they can get out of those old British bikes is something.
Actually . . .

I think thats a Suzuki AR 600 Engine . 59 Hp.

Pre Unit Triumphs .

Id assumed it was a earlyer ' pre unit ' twin , that had ' TRIUMPH' ed . Not that Triumphs wernt used at one time .

Pre Unit Triumphs .

Two Boids , wiv one stone . Cant recall the ohc 's name .

Woner if the AR 600 is Aquafied , whereis the wadiata . :confused:
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There is no radiator on it. Nor is there on a 500cc Paton twin. But having either would need a suitable class, if you wanted to race.
The big thing about the AR600, is it is not unit construction. That makes life much easier, if you wanted to use one.
I have searched the web several times for info. The sport in which the AR600 is used is about gambling. So mods are strictly controlled.
Hurumph .

Pre Unit Triumphs .

Pre Unit Triumphs .
Pre Unit Triumphs .

Wonder what they do for tyres these days . The dunlop Trigonics WERE the go .

Pre Unit Triumphs .
Pre Unit Triumphs .

KR 73 , the rear one , & KR 76 . Of which there were three compounds .
The Carcass / Chords are mega stiff . Flat Flanks get Max Grip layed over .
Smaller contact patch upright - less drag / resistance - for HIGHER SPEED . :) .
Hurumph .

Pre Unit Triumphs .

Pre Unit Triumphs .
Pre Unit Triumphs .

Wonder what they do for tyres these days . The dunlop Trigonics WERE the go .

Pre Unit Triumphs .
Pre Unit Triumphs .

KR 73 , the rear one , & KR 76 . Of which there were three compounds .
The Carcass / Chords are mega stiff . Flat Flanks get Max Grip layed over .
Smaller contact patch upright - less drag / resistance - for HIGHER SPEED . :) .
Where did you find the photos ?
KR73 - I can still feel the pain. I think the compounds were T1 , 398, andc 498. I only ever had T1 - might as well have been black PVC.
One I think was 327 or 427 , like wot a Chev is . Which I used .
( Got one in the shed , near unworn , will check ' The Number ' . )

HARD one was for racing in South Africa in Summer . Like Wot Hailwood Did .

Pre Unit Triumphs .

A bit edgey on a Road Bike , but driftable , with K 81 rear . Like wot's on'ere .

Pre Unit Triumphs .

The SHORT Sidewall is a giveaway , in photographs . the RACE carcass is extremely stiff in comparason to a Squashey Road Carcase . ( back then )
The K 81 ' R ' 4.25 - 18 from the early 80s had a similarly stiff carcass . Adequate traction for a 200 odd Lb. 500 triumph . 🤔
Surprised two up on unsealed surface it was rather predictable / controllable .

Brings up the differance , Roadholding - and - ' Handling ' andling good aint no good if it wont STAY on the ROAD , which is wot ROADHOLDING is . !

even if the rider got shaken to um er on a Triumph . Old on ard and they steered pretty good , . . . under throttle .... real good & theyed Drift .
Power Oversteer ! . :cool: were ondas wobbled 'n weaved wierdly , like kwackers .