Points vs EI electrical power question...

Yes an AB11 unit
The sole reason I bought it was because it was advertised as needing less power
OK, that's explains it. Their unit and the AB11 are about the same. It's the AB5 that had the big power resistor. They should be clearer about their claims!
OK, that's explains it. Their unit and the AB11 are about the same. It's the AB5 that had the big power resistor. They should be clearer about their claims!
After reading this It looked to me like new unit would be less power hungry


  • Points vs EI electrical power question...
    108.5 KB · Views: 96

You said the RITA gets hot. Hot where, at the box or somewhere else? My ‘72 runs a RITA with Rex’s board. I want to check if mine get hot.

You said the RITA gets hot. Hot where, at the box or somewhere else? My ‘72 runs a RITA with Rex’s board. I want to check if mine get hot.
The original has a power resistor - that gets hot as does the whole case. The one you have should not really get hot, just the case a little warm as the resistor is gone. If you were to open yours and feel the output transistor while running it may be more than warm. I doubt that you have anything to worry about.

My mention of heat was because anyone with a little understanding of electronics will understand that heat = power lost in this situation and that the AB5 and AB11, even though interchangeable do consume different amounts of power. As I understand it, the Rex's unit is equivalent to the AB11.

Thanks….RITA is the second best electronic ignition I’ve used in this combat. TriSpark was the best, but after the first unit died under 1,000 miles and left me on the side of a road I won’t trust one again.