Oil temp question

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Jan 15, 2018
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Quick question regarding oil temp and what would/might be considered "normal" temp;
After a one hour ride this morning i checked the oil temp (with one of those food temp thermometers). The temp was 195 degrees F 10 minutes post ride.

I use Brad Penn 20W-50 motorcycle oil in my 73 850 with the oil tank oil level kept midway between L and H,,,the ambient air temp was in the mid 70s F with humidity around 35%

The ride was right about 1 hour with speeds varying between 35 and 65 MPH and revs typically around 3.5-4.0K,,,mostly two lane road with only three stop lights so not long sitting still idling.

I have a single 34 mm Mikuni on the bike with a tri-spark ignition and a more modern charging system,,,other than those bits Bike is stock

what compelled me to check the temp was how warm/hot to the touch the oil tank cap was

Is 195 degrees F (plus or minus) in the "ok" range for the above described riding scenario?
Why not water's boiling point as the minimum - 100C or 212F?

Also, most synthetic is now made from natural gas.

Because of fracking, the price of natural gas fell through the floor.

That is why full synthetic is now offered by almost every brand and why it is now so much less expensive than it was before
I only run straight weight synthetic! :-) just had to say that!
I only run straight weight synthetic! :) just had to say that!
no argument from me on anyone's oil choices,,,,i started using the Brad Penn type primarily because of it's reputation and recommendation from Flat6 innovations, the firm that rebuilt my 997.1 Porsche engine after a rod failure,,they use a lot of LN Engineering internal bits in their rebuilds and LN and Flat 6 recommend (not exclusively, mind you) Brad Penn,,that's good enough for me
An excellent time to review the Norton Commando Oil Database at forum selection page.
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