Oil cooler install

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Oct 18, 2009
Hi all ,i have recently aquired an oil cooler which i am thinking of installing on my commando but i am a bit unsure whether the oil pump will handel the extra moving around of the oil as the cooler will have to be positioned on the front downtubes of frame,can anyone please enlighten me as to the possibility of this and other ideas are more than welcome cheers.
Just a question, why?
More hoses, more fittings, more sources of possible new leaks and problems.
And for what benefit?

Many ride Commando all day long across hot climates on multiple week long major road trips, all without oil coolers.
Even on Commando race bikes, many race without them.
You may be looking to solve a problem that does not exist.
I have a Hyde cooler mounted on the front downtubes; a thermostat actuates the circuit when oil temperature rises above 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Even on days in the 60's the cooler comes on after a run on the tollway; it also actuates during traffic tie-ups in the summer.

I wouldn't run one without a thermostat--riding as I do all winter keeps the oil temperature down enough as it is--but it's surprising how much thermal overhead there seems to be when you come off an 80-mile-an-hour run and sit for three or four minutes waiting for the off-ramp light to change. The oil is hot.

Tim Kraakevik
'72 Combat
Many ride Commando all day long across hot climates on multiple week long major road trips, all without oil coolers.
Even on Commando race bikes, many race without them.
You may be looking to solve a problem that does not exist.


I'd venture to say many a valve guide have been ruined by excessive heat in the Commando. Stick a thermometer in your oil tank. You'll be surprised.
I fitted an oil cooler to my fastback @ 3 years ago. It works too well. I have taken some temp readings on my oil after some rides and it never gets over 160 F. I now wait quite awhile before I ride it to get the oil warmed up. On a very cold and wet ride during the INOA rally this Summer, the oil pressure got way too high due to the cold wet weather. I did not expect to get soaked or hailed on that day! Thermstatic temp control would be the way to go. A la Lockhart.
Mike :)
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