Non Standard Color Schemes

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Aug 1, 2011
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I have been enjoying the discussion about factory colors. I know some believe the only color for a Commando is Black with Gold trim. :) I propose showing off some of the non standard colors. I got this bike after it sat for 20 years. The original color was red. The original owner had dropped the bike and scraped up the paint so he decided to go with a non traditional color. I got the bike and several times was tempted to repaint it either something different or back to original. I just can't bring myself to do it. So I think it will stay this off-white color....for now anyway. Show off some paint modifications you have on your Nortons.

The white looks surprisingly good ! While the blue pipes not so much , maybe richen up the (Mikuni ?) carb a bit
Here's a couple of mine that I painted back in the late '70s when I was experimenting with gold leaf.

Non Standard Color Schemes

Non Standard Color Schemes

And the same PR at another point in it's life.

Non Standard Color Schemes

And the MK3 that my grandson and I built for him, first in red Interstate trim, and later as a green roadster.

Non Standard Color Schemes

Non Standard Color Schemes

Then there was this MK3 that I tried road racing, but it was not very competitive, so it went back to a street bike. Sorry about the picture quality, but they are scans from old film pictures.

Non Standard Color Schemes

Non Standard Color Schemes

Non Standard Color Schemes

My '74 sported JP colors from the factory. The prior owner painted it BRG. I had Brent Budgor of Vintage Vendor strip and repaint it
in Norton Silver, painted badges and striping, and clear coated. No, I don't need any comments about the blue pipes.
I really liked this 1980 Mazda dark grey with black and red pinstripes.
On my 1973 750 that was sold in 1987. Yes I’ve been doing this a long time.

I could be hallucinating, but did kick starting that pictured Mazda dark grey with black and red pinstripes 750 require lifting the foot peg up?
Was trying to offer sound friendly advice on pipes , only …. If ya like em that way, it your ride , fill your boots ….
Yep. Rear sets. SOP.
Saw that it had rear set linkage. Didn't put the rest of it together as being normal operation. Any bike I had with rear sets came from the factory that way, and of course they were all electric start and not British made.
I really liked this 1980 Mazda dark grey with black and red pinstripes.
On my 1973 750 that was sold in 1987. Yes I’ve been doing this a long time.
Probably not SOP compliant, but I sold a Black 750 Commando in 1987. Got a whopping $800 for it. Made $100 on that sale. Bought a VFR700 to take its place. Also had the P11 and a Yamaha YZ250.

That color you selected is a great color for that 80's time frame. A classier paint job. Do you remember what you sold the Commando for?

I don't have a Commando any longer, but the Norton I do have is not a perfect color match for whatever Norton was using at the time. Smaller flakes in a Candy Red. I use ladie's lacquer fingernail polish to do touch up on it. Name of the polish is "Love Affair in Red Square." It was as close as I could get in the local drug store beauty products section.
"It's your bike" It should please you, doesn't have to please anyone else. My builds wouldn't get into the parking lot at Pebble Beach, and although I admire the time and dedication those motorcycles got from their owners/builders the word "correct" only comes up for me is the is the figures on the buyers check. The picture below sums that up:

Non Standard Color Schemes


I looked up the for sale ad in the NCNOC Norton Notice. My ‘73 sold in Nov 1986 for $1800. Also sold a 1977 Ducati 860GTS for the same price that month. Got married in May 31, 1986 and needed to eliminate some of the other debt so we could buy our first house, had five motorcycles at the time.
This one's still in progress, got as a basket case with a hand lettered and striped paint job (but missing a toolbox cover). A big puzzle to figure out but I've got all I need on order and it'll be on the road this spring.

Non Standard Color Schemes
"It's your bike" It should please you, doesn't have to please anyone else. My builds wouldn't get into the parking lot at Pebble Beach, and although I admire the time and dedication those motorcycles got from their owners/builders the word "correct" only comes up for me is the is the figures on the buyers check. The picture below sums that up:

View attachment 84935

Where did you have the striping done?Very pretty motorcycle.Nice job !
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