New Temporary Pub Rule

Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
From now on I will be approving every post in the pub manually. Your post or reply will not show up until after I have approved it. This is probably a temporary thing until I can find out a better way to manage on going political banter and personal attacks.
From now on I will be approving every post in the pub manually. Your post or reply will not show up until after I have approved it. This is probably a temporary thing until I can find out a better way to manage on going political banter and personal attacks.
Wow. That's a lot of work.
New Temporary Pub Rule
I think I will code this forum, so if a certain key word is in a post it will hold the post for moderation, so it won't be all of them. I am going to look back and see if I can find trigger key words from old threads that upset others and I'll implement this. I'll code it so its easy to add key words. This will only take place for the pub.
From now on I will be approving every post in the pub manually. Your post or reply will not show up until after I have approved it. This is probably a temporary thing until I can find out a better way to manage on going political banter and personal attacks.
Why not just not worry about it
People that want to be offended will be offended whatever the subject
Why not just not worry about it
People that want to be offended will be offended whatever the subject
Hi Baz, I tried that approach and things got too out of control unfortunately. As you know some members can get very aggressive (towards me as well via PM). I think we can figure this out between us. Per my other thread, I am going to moderate only posts that trigger moderation based upon words in the post. I just got to figure out these words that will trigger it. I might have another idea later, but that's the best I can come up with for now.
Why not just not worry about it
People that want to be offended will be offended whatever the subject
Yes. There are 2 options. Give in or shut it down. Policing is futile
I am no longer going to moderate every post. I have created a list of words that I consider political or undermining. I've create a rule for all forums where if the system picks up on any of the key words from my list, in a post, it will flag it for moderation. Lets try this out!
I have come to realise that some tihings are what they are, and that truth is merely something which we believe, often without evidence. Discussing politics is a pointless exercise. What people believe is often unshakable. However I do not think I really believe anything. Have you seen the movie 'The Truman Show' ? The way the traffic lights work in our town is evidence that they are up there jerking our chains.
I am no longer going to moderate every post. I have created a list of words that I consider political or undermining. I've create a rule for all forums where if the system picks up on any of the key words from my list, in a post, it will flag it for moderation. Lets try this out!
Mister Facebook ?
Jerry, you’ve got way more patience than me. The pub does have a tendency to get out of hand at times. I mainly come to the pub for the entertainment value. Something akin to watching a train wreck, no matter how much you want to, you just can’t take your eyes off it. Everybody play nice!
Great, these boring posts only reveal that although you know a lot about motorcycles, you are naive on other subjects.
What ever you do Jerry I back what ever out come you come up with as things do get a bit out of hand in the pub some people just don't get it and push their views on others no matter what, the pub is suppose to be a happy place where everyone gets on no matter what, but not all can be pleased and will complain over minor things and no one should take it out on you for what you do for all of us on this great forum, where would we be without it.

Do whatever works for you, Jerry. I enjoy the forum mostly for the motorcycle related content, and some of the great people I've met on it, so I don't go to the pub section much. It sounds like it is a real zoo. If it is too out of hand, and folks can't be convinced to be civil, dump it. And add my thanks to those of others who appreciate how much we owe you for providing such a marvelous forum. If it ever went away, I'd really miss both the technical and social benefits I get from it every day.

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We have had people in Australia who said 'life was not meant to be easy', however it is not getting any easier for anyone, anywhere. When there is an opportunity for discussion, it probably helps to know that everybody else is struggling and we might find answers to our problems. Many heads are better than one. Politics are often based upon belief without evidence, and many people azre too young to really know what happeved. The 'good old days' were not so good, however I believe I have lived my life in the best country in the best time ever. I have always had excellent jobs and always earned enough to live well. When I got married, I did not have any money, however I have ended-up with everything I need. I am now training 3 baby step grand-daughters in how to do good and succeed.
Jerry, I think the main thing about your forum, is it is educational. I see things on it which I struggled with when I was a kid. I know where most of the guys who ask questions, are at, because I have usually been there doing similar. One thing I always do when I am at a race circuit is, i always help people who are struggling, even if they are my major competition. If they go faster they help me go fasster, just by going faster. When you race, all the speeds are relative, once you are in a dog-fight. What you lose on the merry-go-round, you pick up on the hurdy gurdy ?
The thought that I might help people such as NIgel win races, really inspires me. I don't know much, but what I know, he is welcome to - 'Information was meant to be free'.
I spent my life as a scientist in engineering factories working on materials and process, quality and safety. What we made was usually designed to kill without killing the killers.
Jerry, I think the main thing about your forum, is it is educational. I see things on it which I struggled with when I was a kid. I know where most of the guys who ask questions, are at, because I have usually been there doing similar. One thing I always do when I am at a race circuit is, i always help people who are struggling, even if they are my major competition. If they go faster they help me go fasster, just by going faster. When you race, all the speeds are relative, once you are in a dog-fight. What you lose on the merry-go-round, you pick up on the hurdy gurdy ?
The thought that I might help people such as NIgel win races, really inspires me. I don't know much, but what I know, he is welcome to - 'Information was meant to be free'.
I spent my life as a scientist in engineering factories working on materials and process, quality and safety. What we made was usually designed to kill without killing the killers.

Al, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you really should find some young, energetic, enthusiastic youngster and put him / her on your bike !

Who knows, you might start the career of a future champion …
The problem is that most of the kids I know have no knowledge of phusics, maths, or chemistry. When you get feed-back from a rider, to be successful, the rider needs a certain mindset or the adjustments to the bike can be erroneous. People such a Jerry Kooistra, have put young women on their bikes. They found their rtider only wants to turn up and ride the bike, the rest is completely mindless.
When Ago built those replica MV3s, he mentioned they had his special fork yokes. The question should be - how did they become special. There was a video of him riding on the Nurcergring. When he cornered there was no part of any corner where he was not either decelerating or accelerating. - he did not roll and inch. Marquez improves by crahing the bike. That is a career-limitiing strategy..
Most of the top guys in MotoGP these days comeout of motocross. However I suspect most of the machines have similarly neutral handling. When they pass in corners, it is usually opportunistic. In almost every race, there is a procession in corners. When I race, I avoid joining that - riding under is much better. But teaching a young kid to that might get them killed. You cannot just get on my bike and do that - you get all the wrong messages, but it works.
I learned to race by crashing, there are only about 6 ways you can crash and I have done them all and know how to survive.
The first time I ever raced, my two young sons were at theend of the front strasight watching. The brake chucked me over the friont at about 100 MPH. They watched me slide up the road an into the escape. The good thing was, I never had to watch them racing motorcycles. Mty wife watched me race, the last time - I did not know she had anxiety. She was standing with my old mate, he was not worried - he just got a bit excited when I got in front. There is nothing nasty at Winton.
The hardest part of racing for me, is in getting the bike to the meeting. The rest is easy.
Steve Oszko; son Andrew hasc raced the 350 Manx , a couple of times. If I can get onto Winton Raceway again, I might offer him a ride. He has got the correct sort of smarts. But he is probably too old to become a MotoGP rider, and he has a business to run.