Some years ago while at a swap meet I found two kits for the MK1's to use alcohol fuels, in the kits were new float bowls new floats, float needles, and needle jets. The bowls don't have the drains on the bottom and the floats are of a different colored plastic, I've uesd the floats and bowls for 10+ years on my Norton with no issues. On the other hand I also have a BSA single with a MK1 as well, while riding along this summer it started running quite rich, the float had sprung a leak and had started to sink, now wheather it was from old age or ethenol in the fuel I don't know, but I assume it was the fuel.
I have a 75 BMW 750 that the floats were damaged from ethenol, I was told by the BING people the the alcohol dissolves the coating on the float then the plastic becomes a sponge. Bing does make alcohol proof floats for the old carbs.
Ken G.