More Ethanol News, not good.

I've been a student of the politics that injure the world at large much to the delight of global banksters. Here's some fodder to consider in trying to make sense of the bad energy decisions forced on the world at large and may be the end of most life on the planet too soon. Recent study showed that by far, over politics, religion or resources the cost of food is what starts the populations to rebel with deadly intensity, just what the banksters ordered. If you study even further than these first two articles you may realize there is enough to go around for everyone but the shortages are d/t waste and money power politics that make if seem as if too many people if the basic problem instead of the global bankster clans. I'm godless anymore but do recognize a basic fight of good vs evil going on a long time with the evil side winning so far. ... evolution/

New Rothschild Banking Scheme: Make Passenger Jets Pay Tax To NWO ..... and India and the increasing use of corn for ethanol production. ... way-comes/
Actually if the engine and parts configured to tolerate and take advantage of the ethanol in fuel its a good thing as ole boot leggers found out. Here's an uplifting ad that plays off this well known in past but mostly forgotten kick in the pants.

hobot said:
I've been a student of the politics that injure the world at large much to the delight of global banksters. Here's some fodder to consider in trying to make sense of the bad energy decisions forced on the world at large and may be the end of most life on the planet too soon. Recent study showed that by far, over politics, religion or resources the cost of food is what starts the populations to rebel with deadly intensity, just what the banksters ordered. If you study even further than these first two articles you may realize there is enough to go around for everyone but the shortages are d/t waste and money power politics that make if seem as if too many people if the basic problem instead of the global bankster clans. I'm godless anymore but do recognize a basic fight of good vs evil going on a long time with the evil side winning so far. ... evolution/

New Rothschild Banking Scheme: Make Passenger Jets Pay Tax To NWO ..... and India and the increasing use of corn for ethanol production. ... way-comes/

Cdnt agree more hobot.
Ethanol started as a Tax Rort , in Aus . 19/2000. :shock:

The types trying to melt the Nort West Passage and turn the Pacific Islands into condominiums ( Chop all the trees down first ) are the protagonists .

Conceptual similar to Nazis . Tecnological superiority implies soverignty . Look where it all ended last time .
If they stopped stuffing everything up , people could chill out a little .But its paranoid neurotics rule . :P
Ugh thanx I think snorton as it sucks to see world in such low light. All evidence says the corn for booze is even worse for the world in many many ways than if just petroleum burnt instead. So why is it being forced on us? Some other motive than the official ones must be causing this. ITs not academic as it damages property and people and wild life. In a way its the corn framers being harvested by mega corporations that all have life long ties back to the likes of I.G.Farben, which gave us the commercial nitrogen fertilizer from 'coal/tar' petroleum with phosphate mining thrown in. The nitrogen process and farm use is the single largest carbon dioxide and other heat holding gas producers yet other methods make better food in similar amounts w/o near as much C02 and other stuff. The phosphate puts radioactive particles on food and causes 98% of the lung damage associated with tobacco d/t to what's known as the Second Event theory why this type radiation is abnormal and not like the ordinary one hit back ground radiation. I no longer get fooled by various regime or racial religious BS coverings, just follow the money then its obvious who the mere agents are that come and go distracting the nasty one that linger on and on. You can get an idea of the first level agents by the names the we hear time and time again through a hand full of presidents and Congresses. Look to who they got their starts with and it'll make ya sick. Carrying this degradation of the planet to its logical conclusion implies we are already past point of no return from an extinction event with maybe super sized roaches the highest life form left. I'm trained in public health on scales of sanitation to vacillation. DC's are well trained in the genetic damage of radiation and preventive procedures. So keeping running score of releases known and lots more predicted to occur made me sick. That got me to realize that nuclear weapons and nuclear industry are one and the same with same bankster backing. Looking at history before and after WWII and what likely to come, we all may have lived in the best of times ever in mankinds history. Cheap fuel no end in sight to burn, able to sneak around in public and motorcycles were more dangerous than unprotected sex.

I'm lucky no ethanol is widely available here off major highways and I order a few 100 gallons a time of agricultural 91 oct with stabilizer so don't have to worry too much as long distance will just burn it up till back home again. Wes and I have put 100's of miles a go on boozed gas w/o issue but we don't leave it in long at home. Now if they'd come out with pure alcohol fuel then we all could have air cooled hot rods with less mileage of course. All kinds of alternative energy out there some sound like miracles, but I ain't holding my breath. BTW the single most atmospheric polluter is the hamburger grills at restaurants and the BBQ's at home. More than the power plants spit out or the transport industry.

Personally I hope some type of bird inherits the Earth after us. Then a comet hits again to reset creation till the end of time eh. I've kind of given up on Divine intervention and them space dudes are either pirates or don't give a flying leap about us. Get on ya bikes and ride while still pumping to public.