MK3 Primary starter

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Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
Hi All,

My primary went together very well. I have a small problem though. When using kick start (testing), the starter motor is turning. I think I know what the deal is, but not sure. I think the little teeth on the sprag are the wrong direction. Any thoughts? I have the sprag with 14 teeth (I think 14, but the one with more teeth) and it is very hard to see which way they point. I expect its easy to see which way they are with the lesser teeth sprag. BTW I read that the 14 tooth sprag is better?? thoughts??

What is best way to make sure teeth are right way as I cannot tell by looking.



Best to talk to DynoDave with regards to sprag set up. He is a wealth of info on the E starts. Met him at the NY and Vermont INOA rally.
You are correct sir, the starter should not spin when the kickstarter is used.
If the larger crank gear which fits into the sprag is somehow jammed onto the crank then the starter will also spin with the kickstarter.
You should be able to rotate the large crank gear in a CW direction with your primary assembled as you have show it and the crank should not follow it.
Rotating the large crank gear in a CCW direction should drive the crankshaft in the same CCW direction.

Here are a few pics of the sprag.

This is a working sprag and it is shown properly inserted. Only the two thin cage shells are seen, the bigger lips are hidden inside.

MK3 Primary starter

this shows the bigger cage lips in the background which go in against the slotted washer with the thinner cages in the foreground.

MK3 Primary starter

another of the lips

MK3 Primary starter

All the best.
I should also add that when assembling the large crank gear into the sprag it is helpful to be rotating it in a CW direction as this will coax the sprag elements into the proper attitude. Then slide the Torrington race into the cleaned and lubed needle bearing that is within the gear.
All the best.
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