Hi Stevo
I bought my stick on decals from Classic Transfers (Robert Derrick ltd). They were excellent, being thin
and a very nice gold and silver. I've bought both colours. They have side panels logos with pin stripes
included, but as stated above the tank pin stripes need to be hand painted.
Thoroughly recommend Vintage Transfers
Many years ago I sprayed a petrol tank and side panels candy apple red. Most people who have seen it
remark how good it is and are surprised I sprayed it myself using correct colour rattle cans. However, it
took me several goes as it's difficult to get an even colour of the red lacquer over the whole area.
Recently I had a tank sprayed by Wicked coatings in Poole. It is totally fantastic - stunning. As I said to
the lady there far too good to put on a bike and drive about. Needs to be in a glass case in the living room !
I supplied Wicked coatings with decals from Vintage transfers. But they made stencils from them and they
painted the silver logos and pinstripes such that the clear lacquer surface is totally smooth. Fabulous.
Thoroughly recommend Wicked Coatings of Poole