Mindset - live for the day

Jun 30, 2012
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I am 81. I am ,oyt religious, so there is not much which I really believe without doubt. Jowever I believe that for every so-called fact, there is an associated probability. I also believe that nobody is born smarter than anybody else, unless thry have brain damage. I have spent my life working snd learning - not to make money, but to do interesting things. In my old age, I am still learning - usually by watching youtubr videos.
I do not know who Alan Watts is, however what he usually says, usually fits in well with my mindset. So I experience 'conformation bias].
I have very few regrets about the way I lived my life - there IS one/ There were so many people I should have visited and talked with, and whom are now dead.
Many people doubt their own abilities and do not 'live for the day'. This thing about kids attending university to get a better job is wacky. A university degree without experience is not worth much to an employer. Money-motivation is stupidity.
Turn off the TV it creates a false reality of life that causes people to suffer from anxiety due to their unforfulled expectations ...

I never have expectations, so I am never disappointed.
Our whole lives seem to be based upon bullshit, but what we do to our kids is horrible.
They get told they need to study to get a better job to get enough money to have a happy retirement.
It is never about becoming educated so they can do more interesting things. So most people probably end-up being bored shitless in every aspect of their existence.
I am an industrial chemist - all of my tertiary qualifications were achieved while I was in full-time employment. I only ever applied for jobs in places where I really wanted to work. I did not road race until I finished my first diploma at age 29. however I''ve had old motorcycles since I was 15.
For me road racing was never about ego - I lost that the first time I crashed in front of a lasrge crowd.
I would never race a very fast bike - the dog-fights are usually mid-field. I race for enjoyment and I have always enjoyed working.
Am I insane ?
So you have no expectations..how does that make for a competitive mind set when racing ?
We live in a dog eat dog world ......education/ qualifications give the participants seeking a job a leading edge against their competitors....even though half the stuff they learn will probably never benefit them at all...its all about attitude and that's how I pay people is based on their attitude to the job/task at hand...The one thing they don't teach is common sence and the ability to think logically...
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