I've been having trouble with my 850 since I took the mikuni apart cleaned it and put on new fuel line. Rough idle, need the choke to start the bike, choke off it starts to die. I rerouted the throttle cable thinking this might be part of the problem. I cut the fuel line a little shorter and that seemed to help a bit. Does anyone have a photo of the proper way to route the fuel line. Maybe it's fuel starved when I take the choke off.
I routed the fuel line almost exactly how I had it before. but used a different kind of line and fuel filter.
if i knew how to post photos here i could show a photo of what I have going on?
I routed the fuel line almost exactly how I had it before. but used a different kind of line and fuel filter.
if i knew how to post photos here i could show a photo of what I have going on?