Mick Hemmings [?]

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Aug 25, 2014
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This is my first post so please, be gentle with me :( Does anybody know if Mick Hemmings engages in "e-commerce"? A google search only provides a MickHemmings.com site with a 2005 parts list and a 2013 price list in which not all the 2005 items appear. There is a fax numbre but I was hoping to deal with him in a more "modern" way.

BTW I'm looking for his anti-drain valve, Part no TX 1474, on the recommendation of my mechanic whose view is that... "if Mick uses and recommends it, who am I to argue!" That's good enough for me.
You'll have to call him, but most likely you'll get Angie, but be aware of the time zones. They're pleasant to deal with.
They are not open on a Friday and are indeed as stated above a phone only old school set up. Also they are very busy so dont be put off if you can't get through. I have spent quite a few pounds with them an would not hesitate to spend more money with them or recommend them. He only sells quality parts to and if you can visit his shop it's well worth it as it's like stepping back in time with glass top counter old style wooden shelves and a few famous racing bikes just sat about waiting for their next outting.
Mick has a great reputation for quality parts and information.
However if you want a really smooth web site for purchasing parts and are ok with dealing with a stateside seller OldBrits is tops.
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